
Cards (4)

  • Durkheim
    The education system helps create social solidarity. Transmits society’s shared beliefs to the next generation.
    School is a microcosm of society / society in miniature.
    Education facilitates the division of labour into specialist skills.
  • Parsons
    School is a focal socialising agency - it acts as a bridge between the family and wider society.
    Education supports the transition between being judged by particularistic standards and ascribed status to universalistic standards and achieved status.
    Education system is a meritocracy.
  • Davis & Moore
    Role allocation - inequality is necessary to ensure that the most important roles in society are filled by the most talented people. Higher rewards are offered for these jobs to create competition to ensure the most talented are chosen.
  • Blau & Duncan
    Human capital - modern economy depends on it’s human capital (worker’s skills). Meritocratic education system allows people to be allocated to the job that best suits their abilities.