failure to function adequately

    Cards (5)

    • Definition of Abnormality
      Failing to cope with day to day tasks
    • examples
      • Not going to work or school
      • Not seeing friends
      • Not completing basic hygiene
    • Failure to function
      • Not everyone with a mental disorder has failure to function
      • May seem fine as they are showing up to work, etc.
      • Definition fails to identify people who cope with everyday life despite having a mental disorder and may not get diagnosed
    • Definition of Abnormality - Adequately
      • Failure to function can be normal in some circumstances, such as grief which can cause a temporary failure to function
      • Doesn't mean that person is abnormal or misdiagnosed
    • Definition of Abnormality - Adequately
      • Abnormality is easily observed and measured using this definition
      • Behaviours are easy to identify (e.g. not showing up to work)
      • Treatment can easily be targeted to those whose disorder is affecting their daily lives and easier to diagnose
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