Weimar And Nazi Germany
Key Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39
Section B- Nazi policies towards the Young
Created by
Audrey Anim
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Subdecks (5)
School Curriculum in Nazi Germany
HISTORY🏛️ > Weimar And Nazi Germany > Key Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39 > Section B- Nazi policies towards the Young
7 cards
Nazi control of the youth through education
HISTORY🏛️ > Weimar And Nazi Germany > Key Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39 > Section B- Nazi policies towards the Young
5 cards
League of German Maidens
HISTORY🏛️ > Weimar And Nazi Germany > Key Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39 > Section B- Nazi policies towards the Young
3 cards
The Hitler Youth
HISTORY🏛️ > Weimar And Nazi Germany > Key Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39 > Section B- Nazi policies towards the Young
6 cards
Aims of Nazi policies towards the Young
HISTORY🏛️ > Weimar And Nazi Germany > Key Topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39 > Section B- Nazi policies towards the Young
7 cards