Check Ride Pt1

Cards (16)

  • What documents must you have with you to fly the airplane?
    Pilot certificate, medical certificate, and government issued photo ID
  • What privileges and limitations apply to private pilot?
    Privileges – Act as PIC and carry passengers – conduct search and rescue operations; fly for charitable, non-profit, or community event; act as an aircraft salesman if you have at least 200 hours.
    Limitations – Cannot fly for hire; must pay no less than pro rata share
  • Do you need to take your logbook with you?
    Only as a solo student pilot on a cross country flight
  • What type of pilot certificate do you have? Does it expire?
    Under 40, a student pilot certificate expires after 60 calendar months
    Over 40 it expires after 24 calendar months
    PPL, CPL, CFI, Ground Instructors, and ATP certificates are issued without an expiration date
  • How do we keep our pilot certificate current?
    Student pilot: with valid medical certificate
    PPL: Flight review every 24 calendar months
  • What are the currency requirements for carrying passengers?
    3 take offs and landings within the preceding 90 days in an aircraft of the same category, class and type if required.
    At night, these 3 landings must be made to a full stop.
  • Night definition? When can you perform required night landings?
    Night = the time between evening civil twilight and morning civil twilight
    Night landings can be logged 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise
  • What documents should be in the aircraft before flight?
    Airworthiness Certificate
    Radio License (required for international flight)
    Operating Limitations (found in the POH)
    Weight and Balance equipment list
  • When will an aircraft registration certificate expire?
    3 years
  • Which weight and balance information must be in the aircraft, the one on the takeoff data card or the one in the airplane flight manual?
    Updated/current weight and balance equipment list in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM)
  • With respect to the certification, privileges, and limitations of airmen, what do category, class, and type mean?
    Category: Airplane, Rotorcraft, Glider, Lighter-Than-Air etc.

    Class: Single Engine Land/Sea, Multi Engine Land/Sea

    Type: specific to aircraft – only required for aircraft with a max gross weight equal or greater than 12,500lbs, turbojet, or any aircraft specified by the FAA to require one
  • If a pilot changes his permanent mailing address, how long can the pilot continue to exercise the privileges of their pilot certificate without notifying the FAA?
    30 days
  • Does an Airworthiness Certificate ever expire?
    Not as long as inspections are kept up to date and manufacturer's original design is adhered to
  • Who says we have to follow the POH?
    FAR 91.9 states, “…no person may operate a civil aircraft without complying with the operating limitations specified in the approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual…”
  • Who is responsible for ensuring an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition?
    The owner/operator
  • Discuss AVIATES. Required Inspections
    Annual – every 12 calendar months
    VOR – every 30 days for IFR
    100 hour if airplane is being operated for hire Altimeter/Pitot Static – 24 calendar months; required for IFR flight
    Transponder – 24 calendar months
    ELT – 12 calendar months or after 1 hour cumulative use or half of battery life
    Service bulletins and ADs complied with