
Cards (51)

  • Vectors
    Have both a magnitude and a direction, compared to scalar quantities which only have a magnitude
  • Vectors
    • Can be shown with arrow drawings
    • If drawn to scale then they can be physically measured
    • If not, maths must be used
  • Vector triangles
    1. Determine whether the forces are balanced (and with a resultant force of 0N) or not
    2. This is called resultant vectors
  • Resolving a vector
    1. Splitting it up into its horizontal and vertical components
    2. Because horizontal and vertical meet at right angles they can be calculated using trigonometry
    3. They can also be drawn to scale and found using the 'parallelogram method'
    4. The key is putting the vectors head to tail
  • Moment of a force
    The product of the force and the distance from its line of action to the point
  • Where an object is in equilibrium, the moments on it about a point are balanced
  • Couple
    A pair of equal and opposite parallel forces acting on the same body that do not act in the same line
  • Total Clockwise Moment = Total Anticlockwise Moment
  • Moment of a Couple
    Force (N) x Perpendicular Distance Between Lines of Action (m)
  • Centre of mass
    • Where the mass of an object can be considered to be concentrated
    • The line of action acts from the centre of mass and shows how gravity is acting upon the object
  • Finding the centre of mass
    Suspend an object by a pin and then use a plum line to draw on the line of action- where they cross is the centre of mass
  • If the line of action falls outside of the width of the base then the object will topple
  • Newton's first law
    The velocity of an object will not change unless a resultant force acts upon it
  • Newton's second law
    f=ma (force in N equals mass in kg times the acceleration in ms-2)
  • Newton's third law
    Every force has an equal and opposite force
    • S= Displacement
    • U= Initial velocity
    • V= Final velocity
    • A= Acceleration
    • T=Time
  • In projectile motion, the horizontal and the vertical components are treated separately
  • Acceleration is due to gravity, hence only affects the vertical component and is positive if acting with the object and negative if against it
  • Friction
    A force that opposes motion when moving on a solid
  • Drag
    A force that opposes motion in a fluid. It usually increases with speed
  • Lift
    An upward force created on an object as it moves through a fluid due to the shape of an object
  • Terminal Velocity
    Happens when frictional forces equal the driving force, causing equilibrium and zero acceleration
  • In a closed system, momentum is conserved
  • Inelastic collision
    Kinetic energy is not conserved
  • Elastic collision

    Kinetic energy is conserved
  • Impulse
    The change in momentum or the product of force and time
  • Area under a force-time graph is impulse
  • Work
    Done when a force is applied across a distance
  • Energy
    Measured in joules
  • Power
    Measured in watts, where one watt is equal to one joule per second
  • Efficiency
    Useful Output Power / Input Power
  • Density
    Mass of a material per unit volume
  • Finding the density of a liquid

    Measure its mass and volume
  • Finding the density of a solid

    Measure its mass and the volume of water it displaces
  • Hooke's law

    The force applied is directly proportional to the extension
  • Limit of proportionality
    The point beyond which Hooke's law no longer applies
  • Elastic limit
    The maximum stress that can be applied without permanent/plastic deformation
  • Elastic Deformation
    Material returns to original shape and has no permanent extension. Energy is stored as elastic strain energy
  • Plastic Deformation
    Material is permanently stretched because the atoms have physically moved relative to one another. Energy is used to deform it
  • Tensile Stress

    The force applied per unit cross-sectional area, measured in Pa or Nm-2