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Cards (12)

  • Rossetti was an Anglican
  • What specific branch of Anglican was Rossetti?
  • What do Tractarian Christians emphasise?
    Tractarian Christians emphasise ritual and ceremony in worship, particularly enjoying the aesthetics of religion, and the observation of key events including the changing seasons and saints days.
  • Who did Rossetti believe wrote the Bible?
    Rossetti believed the Bible to be written by humans at the inspiration of God.
  • What did Rossetti believe the Bible formed?
    Rossetti believed that the Bible formed the basis for humans to understand their role in the world, their faith, and their relationship with God.
  • Many Victorian‘s would have been very familiar with the Bible, Psalms, and Prayer Book, which Rossetti references in her work.
  • The majority of Rossetti’s poetry are pre-Darwin, and so do not have any engagement with the conflict of science and religion.
  • Rossetti believed in the Doctrine of soul sleep.
  • What does the Doctrine of soul sleep say?
    The Doctrine of soul sleep says that after death, the soul is in a kind of suspended animation. It is asleep, not in a heaven or hell, but asleep until the end of its days where it will wake and take its place in heavon.