common surgical procedures related to RS : medical term

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  • tracheotomy - trach/o + tomy = creation of opening in the trachea
  • tracheostomy - trach/o + ostomy = creation of artificial airway in the trachea
  • biopsy - bi + o + o/psy = removal of small tissue for examination
  • percutaneous - per + cutane/o = puncturing the skin to obtain a sample of the tissue
  • pneumonectomy - pneumon/o + ectomy = removal of all or part of the lungs
  • lobectomy - lob/o + ectomy = removal of a lobe of the lung
  • rhinoplasty - rhin/o + plasty = surgical repair of the nose
  • pneumocentesis - pneum/o + centesis = punctore of the lungs to remove fluid
  • thoracentesis - thorac/o + centesis = puncture of the chest cavity to drain fluid