Subdecks (2)

Cards (24)

    An individual having an exclusive idea to establish and initiate a new venture and bring a change in the world.
    Individuals who are tasked with creating new and innovative products within an already-established business.
    An employee who controls and directs the personnel and activities of an organization or a department.
    He/she chooses to establish a business in a field or area in high demand or give maximum profits in return, irrespective of uniqueness.
  • Government
    1. Compliance with Government Rules
    2. Follow Environmental Regulations
    3. Abide by Labor Laws
    4. Avoid Restrictive Trade Practices
    5. Disclose Financial Statements
    6. Contribute to Political Stability
    7. Assist in Socio-Economic Policies
  • Employees
    1. Sensible and Fair Salary
    2. Assignment of Rights Jobs
    3. Security of Employment
    4. Provision of Work Environment Welfare Arrangements
    5. Humanizing Behavior Towards Employees
    6. Formation of Labor Groups
    7. Support Career Development
  • Customers
    1. Determination of Fair Prices
    2. Render Good and Economic Services
    3. Ensure Consumers’ Health and Safety
    4. Right and Truthful Advertisement
    5. After-Sales Services
    6. Product and Service Improvement
    7. Product and Service Accountability
  • Creditors and Suppliers
    1. Follow Business Ethics
    2. Fair Prices and Conditions
    3. Inform about Changes in Market
    4. Provide Technical Advice
    5. Open Communication
    6. Promote Healthy Competitions
    7. Promote Indigenous Supplies
  • Community and Environment
    1. Encourage Healthy Competition
    2. Help Activities of Public Utilities
    3. Improve Quality of Life
    4. Save Local Environment from Pollution
    5. Compliance with Environmental Policies
    6. Proper Waste Disposal
    7. Environmental Responsibility and Accountability