Natural Science (GRADE 9)

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  • Cell
    Fundamental structural unit of organisms
  • Cells
    • Provide a structure for the body
    • Assist in the growth of organisms by dividing themselves
    • Take nutrients from food and convert them into energy
  • Cells are too small to see with a naked eye and can only be seen through a microscope (microscopic)
  • Parts of the cell
    • Cell membrane
    • Cell wall
    • Cytoplasm
    • Nucleus
    • Mitochondria
    • Vacuole
    • Chloroplast
  • Cell membrane
    A thin semipermeable layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell
  • Cell wall
    An organelle made of cellulose and only found in plant cells
  • Cell wall
    • Protects the cell organelles
    • Gives the cell strength and structure or shape
  • Cytoplasm
    The gel-like appearance mainly composed of water with enzymes, salts, organelles and organic molecules
  • Cytoplasm
    • Houses the cell's organelles
    • Gives shape to the cell
    • Supports biochemical reactions like respiration
  • Nucleus
    An organelle that is enclosed by a membrane and found in most cells except bacteria and blue green algae (found in eukaryotic cells)
  • Nucleus
    • Contains the DNA or carries the genes of the organism
    • Controls and regulates the activities in the cell, e.g. growth and metabolism
  • Mitochondria
    An organelle with a round to oval shape
  • Mitochondria
    • Generates energy for the activities of the cell or release energy from food
  • Vacuole
    An organelle in the cell filled with cell sap
  • Vacuole
    • Stores water, food and metabolic waste
  • Chloroplast
    A cell organelle found in plants, algae and cyanobacteria and more concentrated in the leaves, with a high concentration of chlorophyll
  • Chloroplast
    • Contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis
    • Produce energy for the cell through photosynthesis
  • Differences between a plant and animal cells
    • Plant cell has chloroplast, vacuole, cell wall
    • Animal cell has no chloroplast, small or no vacuole, no cell wall
  • Cells
    • Different sizes and shapes
    • Specialized in their functions
    • Combine and work together to form a tissue
    • Tissues form an organ
    • Organs work together to form a system
    • Systems work together to form an organism
  • Stem cells
    Special human cells from which all other specialized cells are generated
  • Stem cells
    • Can develop into different types of cells
    • Can renew themselves or multiply / divide
    • Are not specialized
  • A cell is a basic unit of all organisms which means all organisms are made up of cells
  • Microscopic
    Can be seen with the help of a microscope
  • Nucleus
    • Acts like the brain of the cell or coordinates the activities of the cell
    • Contains the DNA or holds a genetic code of the organism
  • The nucleus can only be found in eukaryotic cells and not prokaryotic cells
  • Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
    Eukaryotic cells have a defined nucleus while prokaryotic cells do not have a defined nucleus
  • Natural Sciences Grade 9
  • Notes
  • If an organism has no nucleus it means the DNA is floating around the cell in the nucleoid
  • Mitochondrion
    • Where respiration takes place
  • Cell membrane
    Plasma membrane
  • Cell membrane
    • Controls what enters and leaves the cell
  • Chloroplast
    • Where photosynthesis takes place
  • Cell wall
    The protective structure of the cell which strengthens the cell and gives it structure or shape
  • Cell wall
    • Gives the cell shape
    • Makes the cell rigid
  • Unicellular organisms
    Organisms consisting of one cell
  • Differences between plant and animal cells
    • Plant cell has chloroplast, vacuole, cell wall
    • Animal cell has no chloroplast, small or no vacuole, no cell wall
  • Cells have different sizes and shapes depending on the type of plant
  • Tissue, organ and system
    1. Cells combine and work together form a tissue
    2. Tissues form an organ
    3. Organs work together to form a system
  • Stem cells
    • Can develop into different specialized cells such as brain, skin, muscle etc.
    • Can renew themselves or multiply / divide
    • Are not specialized