
Cards (188)

  • Atom
    The basic unit of a chemical element
  • Element
    Made up of atoms of the same kind
  • Compound
    Made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together
  • Pure substance
    Consists of only one type of material and is not mixed with anything else
  • Elements and compounds are both pure substances
  • Atom
    • The smallest building block of matter
  • Atoms make up elements
  • Every element has a name and a symbol
  • All the elements are listed in the Periodic Table
  • Compound
    Formed when two or more elements are chemically bonded together
  • A pure substance consists of only one type of material and is not mixed with anything else
  • Elements and compounds are pure substances because they consist of only one type of material
  • Periodic Table
    A classification system for the elements
  • Element
    A pure substance that cannot be broken down further
  • Elements
    • Copper
    • Gold
    • Oxygen
  • Categories of elements
    • Metals
    • Non-metals
    • Semi-metals
  • Group
    A vertical column on the Periodic Table
  • Formula
    The ratio of the symbols of the elements and the number of atoms for each symbol in a compound
  • The metals are found in the middle and on the left-hand side of the Periodic Table
  • The non-metals are found in the middle and on the right-hand side of the Periodic Table
  • The semi-metals are found in a zig-zag line between the metals and the non-metals
  • Compound name ending in 'ide'
    Indicates two elements in the compound
  • Compound name ending in 'ate'
    Indicates three elements in the compound, one of which is oxygen
  • Common compound names
    • Water (H2O)
    • Ammonia (NH3)
  • Formula
    Tells you the symbols of the elements in the compound and the ratio of the number of atoms of each element
  • Many compounds are named according to their elements
  • Compounds are made of elements that are chemically bonded (joined together)
  • The elements in compounds are the elements found in the Periodic Table
  • Chemical reaction
    A process that occurs when two or more substances react to form new substances
  • Reactants
    The substances that react in a chemical reaction
  • Products
    The substances that are made as a result of a chemical reaction
  • Subscript
    Indicates the number of atoms of an element in the compound
  • Numbers in front of formulae
    Indicate the ratio in which the molecules react
  • No atoms are lost or gained in a chemical reaction, they are just rearranged
  • Balanced equation

    Has the same number of atoms on each side of the reaction arrow
  • No atoms are lost or gained in a chemical reaction, they are just rearranged. This is called the Law of Conservation of Matter.
  • Balancing a chemical equation
    Changing the number of molecules or atoms to conserve the matter in the reaction
  • You cannot change the composition of a molecule or atom in order to balance a chemical equation, but you can change the number of molecules or atoms
  • Metal
    A material that conducts electricity, and which is malleable and shiny
  • Oxygen
    Colourless and odourless gas that makes up about 20% of the atmosphere