Genetic variation generated by mutation in sexualreproduction
Environment determines resources needed to produceproteins, affecting geneexpression
Environmental factors that may generate variation
Nutrient availability
Oxygen concentration
Discontinuous variation
Characteristics fall into distinct categories
Continuous variation
Characteristics can be measuredincrementally on a scale
Process of putting organisms into groups
The science of classification
Scientist working in the field of taxonomy
Taxon (plural taxa)
Biological group an organism fits into
The smallest taxonomic group
what are morphologicalspecies
A species is a group of organisms that aremorphologicallyunique
who is Linnaeus
18th century Swedishbotanist, father of taxonomy
Linnaeus developed the method of namingspecies that is used by scientists all over the world today
what is the binomialsystem of nomenclature
System of namingspeciesaccording to theirtaxa, involving a two-partLatinname
Conventions for writing binomialnames
Genusbegins with capitalletter, species with lowercase
Binomialnames should appear in italics when typed, or underlined when handwritten
Firstuse should be fullname, then genus can be abbreviated
what are species
a group of organisms that caninterbreed to producefertileoffspring
what is speciation
The process by whichonespeciesgivesrise to two or morenewspecies
Speciation can occur when a population becomes isolated from other populations of the samespeciesduetoliving in a differentarea
Genetic drift can also lead to speciation
Once speciation has taken place, the twospeciescannolongerbreed to producefertile offspring; they are reproductively isolated and aresaid to be separatespecies
what is a diploidcell
Cell that containstwocompletesets of chromosomes
what is a haploidcell
Cell that containsonecompleteset of chromosomes
During fertilisation, the nuclei of haploid gametesfusetogether to form the nucleus of a diploid zygote
Adultbodycells are usuallydiploidcells
what is fertilisation
The nuclei of haploidgametesfusetogether to form the nucleus of a diploidzygote
Diploid number
The number of chromosomesfound in a diploidcell
The diploid number must always be an even number
A strand of DNA, alongwhich are sections known as genes
A section of DNA that codes for one polypeptide
Chromosomes that have undergone DNA replication
Have the appearance of an 'X' shape, where the 'legs' of the X are made up of two strands of DNA attached at a region known as the centromere
Humans have 46chromosomes, while chimpanzees have 48
All of the genetic information in an organism
Mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA are included in the genome of eukaryoticcells
In a prokaryote cell, plasmid DNA is included in the genome
Humansshare around 99.9 % of their DNA with otherhumans
Humansshare around 99 % of their DNA with chimpanzees
DNA sequencing
Determining the base sequence of DNA
The classification of speciesbasedontheirevolutionary origins and relationships
Advances in sequencing technology have allowedscientists to understand the true phylogeny oftaxa
Types of sequencedata used to investigateevolutionaryrelationships