3. Make sure that the woman who will receive the oxytocin is free from any risk factors (contraindications)
4. Explain the procedure for using the oxytocin to the woman to alleviate anxiety, and gain her cooperation
5. Ensure woman comfort (establish safe, quiet and clean environment)
6. Bring equipment to the bedside
7. Check the patient's vital signs, position of fetus, uterine contraction, cervical dilatation and fetal heart sounds before starting the infusion
8. Wash hands and dry it well
9. Ensure that the woman is on her left side
10. Connect the woman with fetal monitor to assess fetal well-being and to establish a baseline for uterine activity
11. Prepare the I.V. fluids
12. Insert the cannula in the right hand and fix it with suitable size of plaster
13. Start oxytocin infusion according to hospital protocol or physician's written orders
14. Discontinue the oxytocin infusion and notify a physician if maternal or fetal complications have been developed