Describe how to carry out a practical to find the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase
- Place 3 test tubes of starch and 3 of amylase into a water bath at 37◦C.
- Add a different buffer solution to each test tube of starch to alter the pH e.g. pH 4, 6 and 8
- Collect a spotting tile and place a drop of iodine into each well.
- Mix the same volume and concentration of amylase into each test tube and start the clock
- Take a sample from each tube every 30 seconds using a pipette.
- Drop the sample onto the spotting tile and record the colour of the iodine.
- If the iodine turns blue/black continue the investigation.
- When the iodine remains brown the starch has been broken down and the practical is finished.