The use of a range of skills as needed to intervene in a variety of client life situations
The Purpose of Social Work
Enhance problem solving and coping capacities of people
Link people with systems that provide them with resources, services and opportunities
Promote effective and humane operation of these systems
Contribute to the development and improvement of social policy
Social Workers do not pick and choose which problems and issues they would like to address. They see a problem and try to help people solve it.
Social workers do to help people with problems in virtually any setting
Definitions from different authors
Broader view of problem
Looking beyond the problem
Ethical and professional behaviour
Intervention on the different target system
Broad scope but learning on the basic levels intervention
Focus on Multiple level of intervention
Intervene system of the various
Generalist Practice
The useof a range of skills as neededtointervene in a variety of clientlifesituations. The generalist practitioner's function is to have as wide skill repertoire as possible in order to facilitate the interactions between people and the social institutions and situations in which they live
Threedimensions of definition
should focus on the importance of multiple level interventions. (Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, communities)
Should involve a knowledge base carefully chosen from a range of theories
Should maintain a focus "both on private issues and social justice concerns"
The Generalist
Assuming a wide range of professionalroles
Using Critical Thinking
Following a planned changeprocess
Target System
Macro System
Mezzo System
Micro System
Generalist Practice
An Eclectic Knowledge Base
Emphasis on Client Empowerment
Application of a Wide Range of Skills to Target Systems of Any Size
Working in an Organisational Structure
A WideRangeofRoles
Critical Thinking Skills
An EclecticKnowledgeBase
Social workintegratesinformation from a varietyofdisciplines in order to make evidence-baseddecisions
Fields of Practice
Occupationalsocial work
Rural SW
Families and children
Mentalhealthschools etc.
Systems Concept
Provides social workers with a conceptualperspective that can guide how they view the world. It is especially important because GP targets systems of virtually any size of change. You will determine whether change is best pursued by individual, family, group, organizational or community avenues.
SystemsModelMajor Concepts
Ecological Concept
Social Environment (home, work, laws, social rules etc.)
Person-in-environment (their interaction with various systems - family, friends and work education etc.)
Energy - the time and effort
Interface - exact point at which the interaction between an individual and an individual moment
Adaptation - capacity to adjust to surrounding
Coping - adaptation and implies struggle to overcome problem
Interdependence - mutual reliance of each person on each person
The process of increasing personal,. interpersonal or politicalpower so that individuals can take actions to improve their life situation
Every individual, group, family and community has strengths
Trauma and abuse, illness and struggle may be injurious but they may also be sources of challenge and opportunity
Assume that you do know the upper limits of the capacity to grow and change and take individual, group and community aspirations seriously.
We best serve clients by collaborating with them
Every environment is full of resources.
The ability of an individual, family, group, community or organisation to recover from adversity and resumefunctioning even when suffering from serious trouble, confusion, or hardship
Two Dimensions
Risk Factors
Protective Factors
Micro Level (Casework)
Mezzo level (Group Work)
Macro level Community Organization
Working in an Organisational Structure
Organisationalstructure is the formal and informalmanner in which tasks and responsibilities, lines of authority, channels of communication and dimensions of power are established and coordinated within an organisation.
Case Manager
Critical Thinking Skills
Usefulscrutiny of what is stated is true and the resulting expression of an opinion or conclusion based on that scrutiny and creative formulation of an opinion or conclusion when presented with question, problem or issue
2 Dimensions
Means-SW must be able to critique arguments, statements and experience for inconsistencies
Must also be able to distinguish between assertion and fact, observation and impression.
Planned Change
The development and implementation of a strategy for improving or altering "some specified condition, pattern of behaviour, or set of circumstances that affects social functioning
Generalist Intervention Model MajorFeatures
Assumes that workers acquire an eclectic knowledge base, a wide range of skills to target any size system and a professional values base.
Its core seven step of planned change process
Virtually any problem may be analysed and addressed from multiple levels of intervention.
Foundation for Generalist Practice
Generalist Intervention Model
In early 1967, Filipino educators and practitioners had recommended that "a deliberate force for change, the schools should teach methods based on the wholistic approach so that the individual, the group and the community are used as functional points of entry and develop skills based on the generic aspects of the methods used by social workers
The premise was simply that the separate practice of the three traditional methods by different social workers is not relevant to local realities like there is usually one social worker responding to the needs and problems presented by the client system
ReasonsforPursuing Generalist Approach to SocialWorkPractice
Larger number of multi-problem clients who need generalists that can assist with their varied problems.
Problems affecting large masses of people call for mass-oriented solutions.
Available Social work jobs/positions do not call for specialists in any one method, but a social worker
Economical/practical reasons (e.g. DSWD hires only one social worker to take care of many communities
Social Casework
A primary method of social workconcerned with the adjustment and development of the individuals towards more satisfying human relations. A method of social work which intervenes in the psychosocial aspects of a person's life to improve, restore, maintain or develop his socialfunctioning by proving his/her performance.
Objectives of Social Casework
Torestore the client's social functioning.
Tomaintain the client's functioning.
Toenhance the client's social functioning.
Nature of Social Casework
It is an art in which knowledge of the science of human relations and skills in relationships are used to mobilise capacities in the individual and resources in the community appropriate for better adjustment between the client and all of any part of his/her environment. It is characterised by the objective to administer practical services and offer counselling in such a way as to arouse and conserve the psychological energies of the client actively involved in him/her in the use of the service toward the solution of his/her dilemma.
What kind of situation can be addressed by Social Casework
Role Performances - when a person who occupies a specific position is notable to demonstrate the expectedbehaviour is having a problem in role performance.
Nature of Social Casework
It is an art in which knowledge of the science of human relations and skills in relationships are used to mobilise capacities in the individual and resources in the community appropriate for better adjustment between the client and all of any part of his/her environment
It is characterised by the objective to administer practical services and offer counselling in such a way as to arouse and conserve the psychological energies of the client actively involved in him/her in the use of the service toward the solution of his/her dilemma
Situations that can be addressed by Social Casework
Role Performances
When a person who occupies a specific position is not able to demonstrate the expected behaviour is having a problem in role performance
When a person who becomes unfamiliar with his/her newenvironment may have difficulty in performing his/her role. The person may resort withdrawal, to dependency, aggression, or apathy