freeze-thaw weathering: when water freezes and expands, it cracks rocks.
corries form when snow falls into a north to north-east facing hollow and cant melt as it is facing away from the sun. over time a glacier forms as the snow builds up. the glacier starts to move under it's own weight and the force of gravity.
plucking steepens the back wall of the corrie. plucking happens when the glacier comes across rock loosened by freeze-thaw weathering. the process of plucking is made easier if the rocks have been weathered by freeze-thaw.
the plucked rocks are used to abrade the base of the hollow. abrasion deepens and smooths out the hollow by grinding away the ground beneath.
once the glacier is melted an arm-chair shaped hollow is revealed. a rock lip is formed as a result of depositing plucked and abraded moraine. this accompanied by over deepening of the hollow causes a lip to form (but not always) on the back wall of the corrie freeze-thaw weathering creates a build up of scree.
Aretes form when there are two corries back to back. freeze-thaw weathering steepens the backs of the corries, meaning they retreat towards each other. a sharpridge forms between the two corries
a pyramidal peak forms when there are 3 or morecorries back to back. freeze-thaw weathering steepens the backs walls of the corries, meaning the corries retreat towards each other. a sharppeak forms between the corries
The u shaped valley is formed when a glacier flows out of a corrie and looks for the quickest route it can take downhill. this is via an existing V-shaped valley. plucking steepens the sides of the valley. abrasion flattens and widens the floor of the valley. the interlocked spurs of the V-shaped valley are bulldozed as the glacier advances. this creates truncated spurs.
when the glacier retreats a steep sided wide and flat floored valley is revealed. the river that flowed through the original V-shaped valley starts to flow once again however, now it's called a misfitstream as it is too small to have created the valley itself