M protein (encoded by emm genes, resist phagocytosis & adhere to mucosal cells, 80 serotypes)
Protein F (fibronectin-binding protein) & Lipoteichoic acid (adherence to epithelial cells)
Hyaluronic acid capsule (prevents opsonized phagocytosis, masks antigens)
Streptolysin O (anaerobic hemolysis) and Streptolysin S (aerobic hemolysis, lyse leukocytes, platelets, RBCs)
Deoxyribonuclease (DNase A, B, C, D, most common: DNase B, immunogenic)
Streptokinase (lysis of fibrin clots through plasminogen activation, immunogenic)
Hyaluronidase (spreading factor, solubilizes ground substance)
Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxins (cause scarlet fever)