A method of arranging or organizing data in a tabular form
The Four Stages of Data Analysis
The researcher engages in a descriptive analysis of the data, describing what it is that they see in the data
The researcher states what it is that they think that the data means
The researcher draws a major or minor conclusion from the data, thinking and reasoning
The researcher looks back at their literature review and checks to see how their findings fit with the findings of the theorists detailed in the chapter
Qualitative Data
Deals with descriptions, data can be observed but not measured (e.g. colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty)
Quantitative Data
Deals with numbers, data which can be measured (e.g. length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages)
Qualitative data: robust aroma, frothy appearance, strong taste, glass cup
Quantitative data: 12 ounces of latte, serving temperature 150°F, serving cup 7 inches in height, cost $4.95
Freshman Class
Qualitative data: friendly demeanors, civic minded, environmentalists, positive school spirit
Quantitative data: 672 students, 394 girls, 278 boys, 68% on honor roll, 150 students accelerated in mathematics
Quantitative observation about the picture: [student's quantitative observation]
This is a quantitative observation because it describes a measurable characteristic of the picture.