Freewill and determinism

Cards (12)

  • Determinism
    caused by a force beyond our control
  • Hard Determinism
    all behaviour has a cause either internal/external. Once understood, predictions can be made
  • soft Determinism
    behaviour is controlled by forces beyond our control however, we are still capable of exercising freewill in some circumstances
  • 3 Types of Determinism
    • Biological
    • Environmental
    • Psychic
  • Biological Determinism
    Behaviour is controlled by our genes, brain physiology and biochemistry
  • Bio examples
    • F+F controlled by ANS and not a conscious choice
    • Raine- differences in brain structures of murderers compared to non-murderers
    • Genes and NTs are known to be significant factors to schizophrenia
  • Environmental Determinism
    Behaviours are determined by external forces in the environment
  • Environmental Determinism examples
    • Classical and operant conditioning shows how we shape our behaviour so that it is predictable in the future.
    • Little Albert-classical conditioning to make have a Phobia of white rats
  • Psychic Determinism
    the role of the unconscious mind in determining behaviour and denies the role of freewill
  • Psychic determinism examples
    • Our personality is formed as a result of innate drives and early experiences neither of which we can control and fixation during the psycho sexual stages and cause personality to be fixed
    • Little Hans had a fear of horses which was a representation of a fear of his father due to castration anxiety
  • Freewill
    we are self determining and have an active role in controlling our behaviour and free to choose our thoughts and actions
  • Freewill examples
    • Holland = 37% of those with internal LOC refused to continue to the highest level
    • LOC- Internal= freewill, external=no freewill fate