
Subdecks (1)

Cards (33)

  • what is safe dance practice
    all about making sure your body is prepared for dancing and working safely with other dancers it is also about understanding your choice of Dancewear and the space you rehearse or perform in can affect your work
  • to perform at your best you need
    energy, strong bones, flexible joints, muscles and lungs that work efficiently
  • a balanced diet consists of
    fruit and veg, carbohydrates, proteins comma facts and dairies
  • what happens to your body if you don't rehydrate and replace the salts after exercise
    we get cramp and lactic acid builds up it can lead to dehydration and dizziness
  • what studio checks must be carried out before starting a dance lesson
    no obstacles in the space, suitable flooring (sprung/ non-slip), no socks, hair tied back, suitable clothing, suitable lighting, ventilation, and a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius to 21 degrees Celsius
  • what is an appropriate clothing for a dance
    no jewellery, leotard and tights or black jazz pants, hair tied back so it doesn't get caught, bare feet so you don't slip.
  • what should a warm up do

    prepare the body and focus the mind so you are ready for dance activity
  • the three main reasons to warm up
    to reduce possibility of injury, to improve performance, to prepare psychologically for class/the performance
  • what does warming up do
    gradually raise the body temperature and the heart rate, resulting in increased blood flow to the muscles. The blood carries oxygen to the muscles which warms them up and makes the more elastic and less likely to strain
  • how long should a warm-up be
    at least 10 minutes to be effective
  • what are the four stages of a warm up
    a pulse raising activity, joint mobility, alignment exercises and gentle stretches
  • what activities can be a pulse raising activity
    this may include marching, walking, jogging or running
  • what activities might be joint mobility
    swinging movements focusing on mobilising the joints in the body, torso bending, shoulder rolls, knee bends and isolations
  • What are some examples of alignment exercises
    rolling down the spine, tendus, pliés
  • what are some examples of flexibility stretches

    stretches which involve big muscles or groups, dynamic stretches that are held for no longer than 10 seconds
  • what does a cool down do
    allow the heart to gradually return to normal. Prevent the build up of lactic acid by helping to prevent muscle stiffness. Movements become slower and reduce to focusing on the breath.