performance skills

Cards (17)

  • Movement memory
    Rehearsing something so much you know it without having to really think about it (your body is used to it)
  • Commitment
    Commitment to a movement
  • Concentration
    Focusing during a dance
  • Confidence
    Being/looking confident when dancing
  • Systematic repetition
    Repeating a piece until it is correct or you know it.
  • Mental rehearsal
    Going through and visualising the dance in your head
  • Rehearsal discipline

    Your behaviour, mindset and focus in a rehearsal
  • Planning of rehearsal
    Knowing when and how often you will be rehearsing and having a clear plan of what you need to do
  • Response to feedback

    Taking on any feedback, taking direction and improving your work
  • Capacity to improve
    How you decide to improve (and what you do)
  • Action content
    eg: travel, turn, elevation, gesture, stillness, use of different body parts, floor work, transfer of weight
  • Dynamic Content
    eg: fast/slow, sudden/sustained, accelerated/deccelerated, strong/light, direct/indirect, flowing/abrupt
  • Spatial content
    eg: pathways, levels, size of movements, patterns, spatial designs
  • Relationship content (duets/trio's only)

    eg: lead/follow, mirror, action/reaction, accumulation, complement/contrast, counterpoint, contact, formations
  • Timing content

    counts, synchronised ect.
  • Rhythmic content
    repeated patterns of sound or movement
  • Style
    doing a movement in the correct style (like no popping or locking in ballet)