
Cards (34)

  • Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Clade Amniota Class Reptilia Order Crocodilia - Crocodile
  • Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Clade Amniota Class Reptilia Order Testudines - Turtles
  • Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Clade Amniota Order Sphenodontia - tuatara
  • Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Clade Amniota Class Reptilia Oder Squamata - snakes and lizards
  • Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Clade Amniota Class Aves - Birds
  • Parts of the egg - Allantois (waste) , Amnion (cushion and aqueous medium), Chorion (respiration), Yolk Sac (Nutrients)
  • homodont teeth- all teeth are the same, order sphenodontia and crocodilia display
  • Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Clade Amniota, Class Reptilia, Order Crocodilia - Crocs, Alligators
  • Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Clade Amniota, Class Reptilia, Order Testudines - turtles
  • Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Clade Amniota, Class Reptilia, Order Sphenodontia - Tuatara
  • Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Clade Amniota, Class Reptilia, Order Squamata - Snake and Lizards
  • Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Clade Amniota Class Aves- birds
  • Occipital Condyles of Crocodilians- singular, the occipital condyle is a single rounded projection that is present on the rear of the skull and articulates with the first cervical (neck) vertebra. Functionally it allows the head to move from side to side, up and down, as well as to rotate.
  • Bony Palate- Crocodilians are one of only a few groups of animals that evolve a completely closed, bony secondary palate (along with turtles and mammals). A closed secondary palate has many biological implications for crocodilians, including breathing whilst under water and reinforcing the skull to allow for their incredible bite force.
  • Order Testudines - carapace is the domed portion and the plastron is underneath the turtle
  • Order Testudines- Scutes are the hard plate like structures that make up the shell
  • Order Testudines- scapula is the shoulder girdle, lies within the shell
  • Order Testudines- coracoid is larger than the scapula and has advantages in a flat shell and swimming locomotion
  • Turtles have keratinized beak (no teeth)
  • Turtles are anapsids, no temporal fenestrae
  • Order squamata: Batesian mimicry a venomous and non-venomous species
  • Order squamata: Aposematic coloration is bright warning colors
  • Order squamata: cryptic coloration is camoflauge
  • Order squamata: Kinetic skull is the ability to unhinge jaw to eat large prey
  • Class Aves: Synsacrum is the fused bony structure and the pygostyle is the tail, they allow for efficient flight
  • Class Aves: Uncinate processes connect adjacent ribs and the clavicles are fused into the wishbone, which makes the furcula.
  • Class Aves: Sternum is enlarged and has a carina for the attachment of flight muscles.
  • Class Aves: Radius and Ulna
  • 3 reptiles like traits of archaeopteryx : teeth, claws, and long bony tail
  • Feather anatomy, shaft, barbs, barbules, vane is the whole feather
  • Flight feathers are the large feathers in wings and tails
  • Contour feathers are closer to the bidy and protect from the sun, rain and injury, they are brightly colored
  • Filopume feathers are hair like feathers at the base of the beak
  • Downy feathers trap air and help maintain warmth