Cards (8)

  • stage 1 - birth to first few weeks
    asocial stage - behaviour towards humans and non humans is similar but babies show a preference for familiar adults (easier to calm)
    -happier in the presence of other humans
  • stage 2 - 2-7 months
    indiscriminate attachment - display more observable social behaviour
    -dont usually show seperation or stranger anxiety
  • stage 3 - from 7 months
    specific attachment - start to show stranger anxiety
    -anxious when separated from their specific attachment - who offers reciprocity
  • stage 4 - from 10 months
    multiple attachments - form multiple attachments with other adults with whom they spend time with
  • AO3 - 60 glasgow babies
    -between 25-32 weeks 50% showed signs of separation anxiety towards a specific attachment
    -by 10 months 30% displayed multiple attachments
  • AO3 - problems studying the asocial stage

    babies are young, have poor coordination and are almost immobile
    =difficult to make judgements based on observations of behaviour
  • AO3 - multiple attachments not clear
    not clear when multiple attachments are formed, just after the specific attachment.
    -bowlby found that babies have playmates aswell as attachments that they also show distress for if they leave but they are not attached (no way to distinguish behaviour)
  • AO3 - cultural factors, collectivist vs individualist
    some cultures believe babies form multiple attachments from birth as multiple caregivers are the norm
    collectivist families do everything together