11: Plant Response to Light

Cards (45)

  • Plants receive + respond to environmental signals:
    • Light
    • Gravity
    • Pressure
    • Wounds
  • Sensory cells perceives external stimulus and transduces the information to an internal signal
  • A cell-cell signal released by the sensory cell travels throughout the body
  • Target cells receive the cell-cell signal and change activity in a way that produces an appropriate response
  • Steps in information processing:
    1. Sensory cell
    2. Cell-cell signal
    3. Target cell
  • Receptor proteins detect environmental signals and change shape, transferring to an internal signal, usually a hormone
  • Hormones may be transmitted from cell-to-cell by:
    • Specialized transport proteins in membranes
    • Through xylem or phloem
    • Simple diffusion
  • Signal molecules (ligands) elicit a response in cells with a matching receptor located:
    • Inside the cell (if signal molecule can diffuse through the membrane)
    • In the membrane (ligand can't diffuse through the membrane)
  • Signal Transduction via:
    • Phosphorylation
    • Secondary messengers
  • Phosphorylation cascades:
    • Trigger: when signal binds receptor protein
    • Transfer of P from ATP to receptor or associated protein
  • Secondary messengers:
    • Triggers production or release of intracellular signals
    • Interact to modify cellular response, amplifying the signal
  • Response to signal binding a receptor:
    • Activation of membrane transport proteins
    • Changes membrane electrical potential or the cell wall pH
    • Changes gene expression (for specific genes)
  • Plants sense + respond only to specific wavelengths of light
  • Phototropism: directed movement in response to light
  • Plants bend toward light. Direction of growth is directed through elongation of cells on the shaded side of the plant
  • Chlorophyll a and b strongly absorb light of blue wavelength
  • PHOT1 gene codes for PHOT1 protein, a blue-light receptor
  • PHOT1 protein becomes phosphorylated after exposure to blue light, leading to phototropic response
  • Phototropins: photoreceptors that detect blue light and initiate phototropic responses
    • Chloroplasts (move to locations in cells to optimize light absorption)
    • Stomata (open to allow CO2 into the cell)
    • Other blue-light receptors control stem elongation + flower production
  • Coleoptile: protective sheath covering the emerging shoot
  • Darwins' further experiments:
    • Coleoptile was removed --> no longer bent towards the light
    • Covered tips of coleoptiles with opaque material --> stopped seedlings from bending towards the light
    • Opaque collars below the tip area --> seedlings continued to bend
    Final proposal: substance at the coleoptile tip acts as a signal that is transported to the area of bending
  • Frits Went experiment:
    • Agar blocks exposed to coleoptile tips to collect the phototropic hormone
    • Placed off-centre on decapitated coleoptiles
    • Grew coleoptiles in the dark --> bend away from agar blocks
    • Named this hormone "auxin"
  • Auxin (aka indole acetic acid, IAA) causes plant cells to elongate
  • Auxin-binding proteins are found in the stem and leaf:
    • ABP1 auxin-binding protein receptor in the membrane
    • T1R1 intracellular auxin receptor
  • When auxin binds these receptors, the resulting signaling pathway:
    • Increases plasma membrane proton pumps, pumping H+ out of cell, lowering pH of cell wall
    • Result is cell elongation: acid-growth hypothesis
  • Acid-Growth Hypothesis:

    2 things must happen for a plant cell to get larger:
    1. Cell wall must loosen up
    2. Water must enter, creating turgor pressur eon cell wall + increase cell size
  • Acid-Growth Hypothesis for Cell Elongation:
    • Lowering pH to 4.5 activates expansins, cell-wall proteins that "unzip" H--bonds between cellulose + other cell-wall polymers loosening the cell wall
    • Electrochemical gradient created brings other positively charged ions into cell
    • Water follows by osmosis, increasing turgor pressure to expand the loosened cell wall
  • Red light (660 nm) drives photosynthesis, like blue light. Far-red (720 nm) not absorbed strongly by photosynthetic pigments (much of the far-red light passes through leaves)
  • Red and far-red light act like on-off switches for seed germination
    • Red light promotes germination
    • Far-red light inhibits germination
    • Last wavelength sensed by the seed impacts % germination
  • Phytochrome: absorbs both red and far-red light, existing in 2 shapes
  • Photoreversibility: switching behavior
    • Pr (phytochrome "red") absorbs red light
    • Pfr (phytochrome "far-red") absorbs far-red light
  • Phytochrome controls etiolation
  • Seedling grows with etiolated morphology:
    • Fast-growing stems
    • Thin, spindly, pale yellow colour
    • Maximizes chance of reaching the surface
  • Once the plant breaks to the surface and sense light, activated phytochromes promote de-etiolation:
    • Stem growth slows down
    • Cotyledons expand
    • Chloroplasts develop
  • Photoperiodism:
    • Response based on photoperiod (relative length of day and night)
    • Allows plants to respond to seasonal change
  • Plants fall into 3 categories:
    1. Long-day plants (bloom in midsummer when days are longer than a certain length)
    2. Short-day plants (bloom in the spring or fall when days are shorter than a certain length)
    3. Day-neutral plants (flower without regard to photoperiod)
  • Photoperiodism:
    • Plants have a "clock" that resets each morning
    • Clock protein levels rise during the day + trigger expression of costans (CO) gene
  • CO proteins:
    • A transcription factor that affects production of a flowering hormone
    • Long-day plants (high CO protein level stimulates flowering)
    • Short-day plants (high CO protein level inhibits flowering)
  • Photoperiodism (effect of red and far-red light):
    • Red light acts as daylight
    • Far-red acts as night/shade
  • Florigen: flowering hormone