
Cards (115)

  • The methods of microbial control used outside of the body are designed to result in 4 possible outcomes 

    sanitization, disinfection, antisepsis, and sterilization
  • sanitization
    Sanitizing kills bacteria on surfaces using chemicals, it is not intended to neutralize viruses
  • Disinfection
    Disinfecting neutralizes viruses and kills bacteria on surfaces using chemicals(does not kill bacterial endospores)
  • asepsis
    Any practice that prevents the entry of infectious agents into sterile tissues and thus preventsinfection
  • sterilization
    Process that destroys or removes all viable microorganisms (including viruses and endospores)
  • Bacterial endospores havetraditionally been considered themost resistant microbial entities

    The goal of sterilization is thedestruction of bacterial endospores
  • Bacteristatic
    chemical agents that prevent the growth ofbacteria on tissues or on objects in the environment
  • Fungistatic
    chemicals that inhibit fungal growth
  • Bactericidal
    destroys bacteria except for those in theendospore stage
  • Fungicidal:

    kills fungal spores, hyphae, yeasts
  • Virucidal
    inactivates viruses, especially on living tissue
  • Sporicidal
    destroys bacterial endospores (achieves sterility)
  • Mechanical, Filtration
    Pore sizes can be controlled to permit truesterilization by trapping viruses or large proteins• Pore size 0.2 μm (micron) filters out mostbacteria• Pore size 0.02 μm filters out most viruses
  • Filtration is important to water purification
    unable to remove toxins
  • physical, heat
    Lower temperatures are microbistatic (slows activities- enzymes or metabolic reactions), Elevated temperatures are microbicidal(moist or dry)
  • Moist heat- water+heat
    boiling water- disinfection not sterilize (does not kill endospores)
    pasteurization- disinfection not sterilize
    autoclaving- steam under pressure ( WILL STERILIZE)
  • Dry heat-killing microbes using heat- no water involved 

    IncinerationDirect exposure of bacteria to intense heat (several thousand °C),burns microbes to ashes and gases
    Hot air oven-sterilization needs 3 hours, destroys endospores
  • Moist vs dry heat
    Moist heat:Operates at lower temperatures and shorter exposuretimes to achieve the same effectiveness as dry heatMicrobicidal effect is the coagulation (clotting) anddenaturation of proteins
    Dry heat:Dehydrates the cell, removing waternecessary for metabolic reactionsAt very high temperatures, oxidizes cells,burning them to ashes and gases
  • Physical- ultraviolet radiation
    Causes damage to cells through two main pathways:• formation of thymine dimers in DNA and• generation of reactive oxygen species
    Disadvantages• UV does not penetrate glass, plastic or water very well• Not good for surfaces with lots of “hiding places”
  • prevention of uv related damage
    1. DNA repair enzymes e.g. Photolyase2. Antioxidant enzymes e.g. superoxide dismutase,catalase3. Pigments e.g. carotenoids, melanin• ROS scavenging• Dissipation of excitation energy as heat4. Negative phototaxisnavigate away from light
  • Ionizing Radiation
    Causes double strand DNA breaks
  • Chemical control- alcohol
    Work by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell walls & membranes
    Effective against vegetative cells
  • Chemical control-Halogens
    They generally disrupt microbial enzyme function
    Effective against vegetative cells and some endospores
  • Chemical Control- Oxidizing Agents
    Work by oxidizing enzymes thus shutting down the microbe’s metabolism
    Bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal; sporicidal in higher concentrationsEspecially effective against anaerobic organisms
  • Chemical Control- Phenol
    They denature proteins and disrupt cell membranes
    Effective against vegetative cells but not spores
  • Chemical control - Surfactants

    Work by disrupting the cell membrane structure
    Generally, work well against vegetative cells but not endospores
  • Chemical control - Heavy Metals
    Bind to proteins, inhibit enzymatic activity
    work well against vegetative cells but not endospores
  • Chemical control - Aldehydes
    Work by: denaturing proteins inactivating nucleic acids inactivating membranes
    Effective at sterilization
  • Biological Control of Microorganisms
    emerging field that shows great promise- natural control
  • selective toxicity
    kill or inhibit microbial cells without damaging host tissues
  • Drugs with excellent selective toxicity block the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall(penicillins and cephalosporins)

    Human cells lack the chemical peptidoglycan and are unaffected by the drug
  • Antibiotics are natural metabolic products of bacteria and fungi

    Produced to inhibit the growth of competing microbes inthe same habitat (antagonism)
  • Goals of chemotherapy: disrupt the structure or function of an organism to thepoint where it can no longer survive
    Antimicrobial drug categories:• Inhibition of cell wall synthesis• Inhibition of nucleic acid structure and function• Inhibition of protein synthesis• Interference with cytoplasmic membrane structure and function• Inhibition of folic acid synthesis
  • Drugs That Target the Cell Wall
    Most drugs that target the cell wall contain a beta-lactam ring in their molecular structureβ-lactams inhibit the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell wallsEspecially useful against Gram positive organisms
  • Penicillin resistant bacteria
    Microbes resistant to penicillin have β-lactamase or penicillinase which hydrolyzes the β-lactam ring and inactivates its antibacterial properties
    Some bacteria, e.g. E. coli, produce an enzyme called extended spectrum beta-lactamase(ESBL), this enzyme makes ESBL bacteria harder to treat with antibiotics
    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are resistant to all beta-lactamantibiotics including penicillins and cephalosporins
  • Drugs That Target Protein Synthesis
    Aminoglycosides: stick to ribosomes and causethe misreading of the mRNA, leading to abnormalproteins
    Tetracyclines: block the attachment of tRNA onribosomes and stop further protein synthesis
    Macrolides: stick to ribosomes inhibit movement oftRNAs during protein synthesis
  • Drugs That Target Folic Acid Synthesis, DNA or RNA
    Sulfonamides (sulfa): interfere with folate metabolism by blocking enzymesrequired for the synthesis of tetrahydrofolate (B9), which is needed by the cells forfolic acid synthesis and eventual production of DNA, RNA, and amino acids
  • Drugs That Target Cytoplasmic or Cell Membranes
    Polymyxins (colistins): interact with membranephospholipids; distort the cell surface and cause leakageof protein and nitrogen bases, particularly in gram-negative bacteria
  • Spectrum of Activity
    Broad-spectrum drugs: effective against more than one group of bacteria
    Narrow-spectrum drugs: target a specific group
  • Bacteria in Biofilms
    Bacteria in biofilms are often unaffected by antimicrobials, Antibiotics often cannot penetrate the sticky extracellularmaterial surrounding biofilms Different gene expressionprofiles during free-livingvs. biofilm stages