Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections have signs and symptoms of frequent, urgent, painful urination; abdominal, back pain; urine=cloudy, bloody, foul odor
Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections may be asymptomatic or with slight fever; mental confusion if bacteria spreads to blood (bacteremia); fatal-often seen in elderly
Transmission: direct contact with urine of infected animal or urine-contaminated water
Spirochete can penetrates mucus membrane, small cuts in skin, travels via the bloodstream through the body, infects and lives in kidneys, excreted in urine
Pathogen and virulence factors of Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
Caused by strains of Staphalococcus aureus that produce the exotoxins toxic shock syndrome toxins
These toxins act as superantigens, a class of antigens that activate T cells and cause an excessive cytokine production ('cytokine storm', causing an excessive immune response)