The SELF is perhaps the most complex unit to study.
PHILO greek word meaning “love of”
SOPHIA latin word meaning “wisdom”
PHILOSOPHY means love of wisdom and the search for truth.
PHILOSOPHERS men who were concerned with the search for truth. (coined by pythagoras).
Philosophers were sophist or wandering scholars.
SELF The self is the whole man but taken in totality man, the self is imbued with reason, free will, and responsibility. This man when fully developed becomes man, a many splendored creation through Philosophy.
SOCRATES Mankind’s greatest teachers in Athens in 469 B.C. He confined his teaching in the street of Athens than in the classroom.
SOCRATIC METHOD a method of inquiry by answering questions with another question.
IRONIC PROCESS to make the seeker of knowledge, clear his mind for action. It removes from his mind prejudice and leads to the humble and sincere confession of ignorance.
MAIEUTIC PROCESS draws truth out of one’s mind which is done by means of dialogue or conversation.
THEORY OF IDEALISM Man in his present earthly existents, is just an imperfect copy of his real original self–the perfect man in the areas of ideas.
Reason intellect and will
Passion emotion
Appetite base desires; eating, drinking, sleeping, and having sex.
SOUL - is imprisoned in a body or soma. Soul is the essence of man. What makes a man, a man.
IMMANUEL KANT - man can create for himself the good and rational being. He attests that moral obligation is universal and excuses no one. It is the supreme and fundamental law of human nature
MORAL OBLIGATION is the requirement to pursue what we believe is right and act accordingly.
Kant further believed that moral law is rooted in human rationality. Human reason gives the person the capacity to make judgment regarding the good.
CONFUCIUS the Great Chinese Philosopher professed that family the bases of ideal government and that there should be a strong solidarity among the family members. Children should respect their parents and other elders.
The Golden Rule “Do unto others what you would want others do unto you”
St, Augustine’s ethics - love and justice –the two fundamental rules of man, as well as social ethics are rightfully intertwined together
provide a classic example of an individual, substantial conception of the self, who proposed that a person’s existence depended on how he perceives himself so.
Descartes on Discourse on the Method–a work published in 1637 wrote; “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” (cognito ergo sum)
human mind at birth is a blank paper or tabula rasa.
The most important aspect of a person is the SELF
SCHEMAS are mental concept by which one organizes one’s world.
THE SPOTLIGHT EFFECT phenomenon where people tend to overestimate how much others notice aspects of one’s appearance or behavior. This causes a lot of social anxiety.