ANCH WEEK 9: Solving Equilibrium Problems for Complex System

Cards (7)

  • Aqueous Solutions
    often species that interact with one another and water to yield two or more simultaneous equilibria
  • Five independent algebraic equations

    is needed to calculate the solubility of a chemical to simultaneously give five concentrations
  • Mass-Balance Equation
    relate to the equilibrium concentrations of various species in a solution to one another and to analytical concentrations of the various solutes
  • Charge-Balance Equations
    Electrolyte are electrically neutral even though they contain up to several moles per liter of charged ions
  • Solutions are neutral
    because the molar concentration of positive charge in an electrolyte solution always equals the molar concentration of negative charge
  • Solutions containing electrolytes, may be written as:

    no. moles/L positive charge = no. moles/ L negative charge
  • Charge-Balance Equations
    represents the charge-balance condition
    must be expressed in terms of the molar concentration of the species that carry a charge in the solution