Lacrosse Refereeing

Cards (82)

  • off field official focuses on substitution area, table, benches
  • the number of players on the field is checked by the off field official
  • off field official relays calls from on field officials to the table
  • off field official calls time outs
  • there are max 10 players on the field
  • players must wear a mouthguard, a numbered jersey, shoes without metal studs
  • goalie must also wear a helmet, throat protector, chest protector, gloves
  • last 30 seconds of the first three quarters there is no self starts
  • in the last 2 minutes of the last quarter there is no self start
  • if two same level fouls happens at the same time it is decided by a throw
  • major fouls trump minor fouls in a simultaneous foul situation
  • The lead umpire is always in front of the ball
  • lead umpire covers the crease, 15m and back of the goal
  • lead umpire calls goals
  • lead umpire watched on and off ball fouls on her side of the field
  • the deep trail umpire is always behind the ball
  • deep trail umpire looks at off ball fouls around the marking area
  • deep trail umpire looks at off ball fouls where the ball is
  • deep trail umpire checks for offside
  • during transition the deep trail umpire supports the lead umpire in midfield fouls
  • center umpire sets up the draw
  • center umpire is at level with the ball
  • center umpire looks at on ball fouls on her side of the marking area
  • center umpire looks at off ball fouls on her side of the marking area
  • center umpire looks at the sidelines
  • center umpire supports lead umpire in the coffin corner at the end line
  • During play around the goal circle the lead umpire focuses on ball fouls
  • During play around the goal the center umpire watched on ball when the ball is on their side and off ball when the ball is on the other side
  • during play around the goal the deep trail umpire watches for offside and off ball fouls
  • during play around the goal the deep trail umpire should be at the restrainer line
  • when a goalie clears the ball the center umpire waits where the midline and sideline cross
  • around the mid circle whichever umpire is closest will set up the foul
  • during a draw the deep trail and lead umpires will be at the restraining line and watch for restrainer fouls and midfielders who move before the whistle blows
  • if the ball goes out of bounds before possession there will be a throw
  • after a goal the lead umpire picks up the ball
  • after a goal the deep trail relates the number of the scorer to the table
  • every two goals the umpires rotate clockwise
  • minor fouls are unfair, major fouls are unsafe
  • for a minor foul the other team gets possession and the offender moves 4 metres next to the ball
  • for a major foul the other team gets possession and the offender moves 4 metres behind the ball