
Subdecks (1)

Cards (258)

  • aspects of brain development
    cell proliferation, cell migration, cell differentiation
  • cell proliferation
    new neurons develop
  • cell migration
    move to proper place
  • cell differentiation
    specialized function
  • anoxia
    oxygen deprivation
  • APGAR scale
    appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration; 0-10
  • reflexes are...
    inborn, automatic, responsive, shared
  • reflects can be used as
    screening tool
  • sleep checkerboard study
    more visual stimulation while awake results in less REM sleep
  • crying is...
    involuntary (becomes voluntary at 6 months), adaptive
  • well developed senses

    taste, smell, hearing, touch
  • poorly developed sense

    vision; quickly improving
  • senses developed before birth
    taste, smell
  • hearing development
    inner ear develops at 24 weeks; cannot hear soft sounds & lack echo suppression
  • bifoveal fixation

    image of object centered in each fovea when fixating on an object
  • biofoveal fixation steps

    get image into fovea, process image
  • baby focusing ability
    don't always converge on 1 image; slow and imprecise focus response; fovea twice as large; immature, misshapen, less concentrated cones
  • weak aspects of baby vision

    basic vision, focusing ability, visual acuity, color vision
  • strong aspects of baby vision

    categorization, recognition
  • baby visual acuity
    prefer grating over plain gray
  • baby color vision
    weak but fast adapting
  • baby visual recognition
    capable of long term visual recognition; familiar vs novel faces
  • novelty preference method
    infants prefer novel over familiar
  • intermodal perception
    integrating sensory modalities
  • auditory visual intermodal perception (stages)
    present at birth; match voice, match vowel, detect synchrony
  • depth perception cues
    binocular, monocular kinetic, monocular static / pictorial
  • binocular depth perception cues

    left vs right eye
  • monocular kinetic depth perception cues

    motion parallax (speed & direction)
  • monocular pictorial depth perception cues

    linear perspective (lines converge in distance), interposition, relative size
  • motor brain-body integration (2 aspects)
    physical growth of body; brain development increases coordination
  • motor-perception integration
    depth information + locomotion; gap crossing task
  • motor implications for other developmental areas
    social & cognitive
  • object permanence VOE
    not bad at searching - lack planning; fail task when processing resources are exceeded
  • interpreting events - event categories
    occlusion, containment, collision, support; learn about them separately
  • number ability
    can distinguish numbers, can distinguish big numbers (if doubled), can keep track of objects & do simple math with small numbers
  • piaget - kids are...

    active learners, little scientists, constructivists, intrinsically motivated to learn
  • piaget learning process
    assimilation, accommodation, equilibrium
  • piaget assimilation
    use pre-existing schema
  • piaget accommodation
  • piaget equilibrium
    create stable theory