1. Expose: Patient removes upper body clothing, inspect the opposite side to compare for asymmetry
2. Inspection: Position - sitting with arms by side, look for symmetry, any mass, skin changes (lump, pilled in nipple, dimpling, dripping, redness/rash, skin changes)
3. Tenderness: Ask the patient if tenderness before touching, warm hands
4. Skin: Inspect for skin retraction, dimpling, raise the breast to inspect the undermined skin
5. Nipples: Inspect for redness, bleeding, discharge, ask the patient to raise arms and place hands behind head to check for changes in mass position, nipple or skin tethering
6. Color: Note normal variations and deviations (redness, peau d'orange)
7. Venous pattern/vascularity: Observe for visibility and pattern, normal is diffuse and symmetrical, deviations may indicate malignancy
8. Thickening or edema: Normal is no thickening or edema, deviations indicate edema
9. Size and symmetry: Normal variations, deviations include retracted nipple, retracted breast tissue, dimpling
10. Lesions/masses: Normal is no masses, tumors or lesions, deviations include cancerous tumors (irregular, firm, hard, not tender, usually after age 50) and fibroadenomas (lobular, ovoid-shaped, round, firm, well-defined, seldom tender, singular and mobile, usually between puberty)