
Cards (29)

  • what is turner's syndrome
    1 XO
    2 .gonards contain ovarian tissue but are rudimentary
    3 female phenotype
    no maturation at puberty
  • characteristics of turner's syndrome
    broad chest ,poor breast development, short staure ,low hairline ,low set ears ,small fingernails.
  • Klinefelter syndrome
    testicular development but seminoferous tubules are abnormal
    no spermatogenesis
  • Signs of Klinefelter Syndrome
    more breast tissuse ,small testes
    broader hips ,weaker bones ,less muscular small penis
  • trisomy X super female
    ovary abnormalities
  • sign of trisomy x
    tall stature
    limited fertility
    learning disabilities
    small head
  • true hermaphrodite
    has both ovarian tissue(with mature graffian follicles ) and testicular tissue(with distinct seminiferous tubules ) in a single individual
    commin karyotype xx
  • causes of true hermaphrodite
    mutation of SRY gene
    two ova,fertilized by 2 sperm fuse to form tetragametic chimera ,if one male and female gamete fuse
  • dorsal respiratory group location/site
    dorsal region of medulla, nucleus tractus solitarius
  • role of DRG
    inspiration, inspiratory neurons ,set rythem of breathing
  • mechanisms of DRG
    contains motor neurons which supply the diagram and neurons which input to VRG
    gradual inspiratory ramp signals
  • what is DRG inhibited by
    pneumotaxic center
  • ventral respiratory group location/site

    ventral region of medulla
    rostral nucleus retrofacialis , caudal nucleus retroambiguus and nucleus para-ambiguus
  • role of ventral respiratory group
    involved in forced inspiration and expiration has inspiratory and expiratory neurons
    isn't active during quite breathing
  • mechanism of ventral respiratory group
    contains motor neurons that supply the accessory inspiratory muscles
    contains motor neurons that inputs to expiratory muscles
  • site of apneustic center
    cudal Pons
  • role of apneustic center
    excitation of medullary inspiratory area
    believed to be involved in deep inspiration (apneusis)
  • mechanism of apneustic center
    prolong inspiratory ramp ,sustained discharge of medullary respiratory neurons
  • pneumotaxic center location
    rostral pons
  • role of pneumotaxic center
    inhibits inspiration, hence facilitate expiration
  • mechanism of pneumotaxic center
    switching off inspiratory ramp ,terminates inhalation
  • what is responsible for the development of a male
    the sex determining region Y (SRY) gene
  • what are the 3 cell types that the gonards are made of
    1. supporting cells ( sertoli cells & granulosa cells )
    2. stromal cells (leydig or theca cells )
    3. germ cells ( spermatogonia or oocytes )
  • what two hormones are most important for the development of male gonards andinternal genitalia
    anti-Mullerian hormone and testosterone
  • what hormone is responsible for male external genitalia
    dihydrotestosterone ( weaker androgen of testosterone )
  • descibe how internal genitalia develops and the cells and hormones involved
    1. sertoli cells secret mullerian inhibiting hormone which causes the regression of the mullerian duct
    2. leydig cells produce testosterone which promotes the development of the wolffian duct
    3. because these cells are not present in females these hormones are not secreted so the mullerian duct is allowed to develop (becomes the oviduct )and due to the lack of testosterone the wolffian duct regresses
  • what causes the brain to develop as a male
    the brain develops as a male in the presence of estrogen derived from neural aromatization of testosterone
  • what causes the the brain to develop as a female
    the absence of estrogen ( no aromatization of testosterone)
  • how are females protected against masculization of estrogen from fhe placenta of the mother
    alpha-feto protein (plasma glycoprotein ) binds to estrogen, acts as a carrier and prevents it from entering cells