If the vessel that supplies the limb occludes completely then the distal portion will turn white and feel cold! This is Acute Arterial Ischemia and requires surgical intervention within 12-24 hours.
Reduce the risk of new or worsening symptoms of intermittent claudication, reduce risk of MI, Stroke and death by 30%, target LDL (bad fat) is < 100mg/dl
Target range of fasting blood sugar is 4-7 mmol/L, controlled with diet and medications like Metformin (Glucophage), Glyburide, Rosiglitazone, Glipizide
If DVT diagnosed: pain relief, decreased edema, prevention of skin breakdown/ulceration, prevention of complications related to anticoagulation therapy, prevention of PE
Can be acute or chronic, common in older people and women, often painful and debilitating, due to weak/damaged valves leading to blood pooling, swelling, skin changes, wounds, ulcers