Review Questions

Cards (138)

  • True or false
    During careful listening, your heart rate will quicken and your body temperature will rise
  • True or false
    Listening is an innate ability. Most people become good listeners as they mature
  • True or false
    When you are paraphrasing, you need to repeat what the speaker has said word for word
  • True or false
    Questioning is one type of listening to help others
  • True or false
    When someone asks you a tag question it is really an indication that the speaker is looking for your agreement
  • True or false
    Because prompting involves using silences, it is not classified as a listening response
  • Multiple Choice
    Your roommate gives the appearance of listening to you, but you can tell from her responses that her mind is elsewhere. You could call her listening style in this instance
    1. stage-hogging
    2. insulated listening
    3. pseudolistening
    4. defensive listening
    5. ambushing
  • Multiple Choice
    Which of the following are styles of listening to help?
    1. advising, judging, analyzing, questioning, and supporting
    2. supporting, advising, sharing, withholding, and evaluating
    3. paraphrasing, supporting, evaluating, questioning, and advising
    4. feedback, encoding, decoding, and channel selection
    5. informing, facilitating, sensitizing and sharing
  • Multiple choice
    Constructive criticism is a kind of listening response that falls into the category termed
    1. advising
    2. judging
    3. analyzing
    4. supporting
    5. questioning
  • Multiple Choice
    When choosing the best listening style, it is important to consider
    1. the situation
    2. the other person
    3. yourself
    4. both 1 and 2
    5. 1, 2, and 3 above
  • True or false
    Reciprocal liking builds attractiveness
  • True or false
    The circumscribing stage of interpersonal relationships involves total avoidance of the other
  • True or false
    Dialectical tensions exist in relationships when two incompatible forces or pressures exist at the same time
  • True or false
    The social penetration model represents both the breadth and the depth of your self-disclosure with another person
  • True or false
    Clichés, the outer circle of the self-disclosure model in your text, are the most revealing type of communication
  • Multiple choice
    Social exchange theory suggests that we often seek out people who can give us
    1. rewards greater than or equal to the costs we encounter in dealing with them
    2. more self-esteem
    3. relational rewards rather than physical ones.
    4. something in exchange for what we give them
    5. both relational and physical things without demanding anything of us
  • Multiple choice
    “Why don’t you go ahead and visit your friends without me this weekend. I’ll stick around and catch up on my studies.” This statement typifies which relational stage?
    1. integrating
    2. differentiating
    3. terminating
    4. intensifying
    5. bonding
  • Multiple choice
    To qualify as self-disclosure, a statement must
    1. involve feelings
    2. be intentional, significant, and not otherwise known
    3. be reciprocated by the same type of statement from a partner
    4. involve intimate information
    5. be shared privately
  • Multiple choice
    “I’m worried that you won’t follow through on your commitment” is an example of self-disclosure at which of the following levels?
    1. cliché
    2. feeling
    3. interpretation
    4. fact
    5. opinion
  • True or false
    Effective communication is important to your practice because patients do not tell you everything
  • True or false
    In Question categories in communication, the cost theme is to reassure client of safety of the treatment
  • True or false
    Only when you know a patient’s perspective you will know patient’s needs
  • True or false
    Roadblocks to good listening is washing hands while your patient is speaking
  • True or false
    People listen four times faster than they can talk so it easy to avoid mental vacations
  • True or false
    A laundry list question is “Does it burn, ache, throb, pierce...”
  • True or false
    A open-ended question is often answered with a yes or no answer
  • True or false
    Challenging a patient can be percieved as condemning the patients point of view
  • True or false
    If a client is tired and distracted during the interview and you must share important information, you must stress it carefully or put it in writing
  • True or false
    When managing an interview and your client is a pleaser always use closed ended questions
  • True or false
    To establish trust with patients it is helpful to let them know you have attended continuing education courses
  • True or false
    To manage trust issues with your patient, it is helpful to not discuss your own experiences
  • True or false
    When managing a trust issue with a patient it is good to say “Trust me”
  • Multiple choice
    Why do we encourage patients to talk?
    1. pay bills on time
    2. get referrals
    3. help discover their needs
    4. never leave the practice
  • Multiple choice
    When listening to a patient listen for
    1. central themes
    2. underlying opinions
    3. dental priorites
    4. all of the above
  • True or false
    Communication climates are a function of the tasks people perform rather than the way the people feel about one another
  • True or false
    It is possible to disagree with another person in a confirming way
  • True or false
    Defensiveness is often a self-perpetuating cycle
  • True or false
    The Gibb categories define behaviours that improve or hurt the communication climate
  • True or false
    When your partner criticizes you, the best thing you can do is ignore the criticism so you won’t get defensive
  • Multiple choice
    A confirming response typically
    1. criticizes the other
    2. agrees with or acknowledges the other
    3. reveals deception
    4. recognizes manipulation
    5. controls the other