The policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
Why did the United States take on imperialist ventures in the late nineteenth century?
Economic, political, social
The philosophy of imperialism
How was imperialism beneficial?
Many Americans saw the crisis of the 1890s as one of inadequate markets for American goods
New markets abroad became increasingly popular as a solution
The White Man's Burden
The responsibility of the white, Western nations to civilize and christianize the non-Western world
Beginning in the late 1860s, the United States began expanding overseas
Secretary of State William Henry Seward launched the nation's Pacific empire by buying Alaska
The U.S. paid $7 million for Alaska
The U.S. policy emphasized economic control, particularly in Latin America
During the 1880s and 1890s, the United States strengthened its navy and began playing an increased role throughout the Western Hemisphere and the Pacific
Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan became the leading advocate of expansion and naval power
Missionary activity increased throughout the non-western world
College campuses blazed with missionary excitement
The YMCA and YWCA embarked on a worldwide crusade to reach non-Christians
Missionaries helped generate public interest in foreign lands and laid the groundwork for economic expansion
By the end of the nineteenth century, women represented 60 percent of the American missionary force in foreign lands
William Jennings Bryan: Nebraska Congressman; Silver Democrats, galvanizing the nominating convention with the "Cross of Gold" speech
Populists decided to run a fusion ticket of Bryan and Tom Watson
Bryan and most Democrats rejected the Populist endorsement
Bryan won 46% of the vote but failed to carry the Midwest, West Coast, and Upper South
Traditional Democratic groups like Catholics were uncomfortable with Bryan and voted Republican
The Populists disappeared
American sugar planters and missionaries threatened Hawai'ian autonomy
When Lili'uokalani became queen in 1891 she resisted American influence
On January 17, 1893, the queen was deposed by an American diplomat
Lili'uokalani protested to President Grover Cleveland and he reinstated her as queen and declared the independent republic of Hawaii
When McKinley became president he immediately annexed Hawaii
Hawaii was a steppingstone to Asian markets
The path to empire made major changes in government and the party system
Southerners pushed for annexation of Cuba
A movement to gain independence from Spain began in the 1860s
Americans sympathized with Cuban revolutionaries
Spanish imposed harsh taxes
Grisly horror stories of Spanish treatment of revolutionaries (Journalism)
McKinley had held off intervention, but public clamor grew following an explosion on the USS Maine
This song was rushed into print between the sinking of the Maine on February 16, 1898 and the declaration of war on April 25, 1898
Causes of Spanish-American War
American sympathy for the Cuban people's fight for independence
American business interests
Effects of yellow journalism
Sinking of the Maine
DeLôme letter
American expansionist interests
Desire for naval bases
Eliminate Spain from western hemisphere
The US smashed Spanish power in what John Hay called "a splendid little war"