global norths and south - described grouping of countries along socio-economic and political characteristics
The Brandtreport - was published by chancellorwillybrandt
The North - countries above the south 30 degree north
The South - geographical convenience based on the fact that most of poor world lies south latitude 30 degree north
Global north - refers to developed countries of europe and north america
Global south - developing countries
The North - this term are alternative designation for "developed" countries
Lisandro E. Claudio - his study is all about the exploration of the development and underdevelopment of paradox of globalization
The Global South - is a lower class, politically, socially, and culturally isolated areas
Asian Regionalism - political ideology that favors specific region over a greater area
Regions - group of countries located in the same specified areas , can be a combination of two or more region
August 8, 1967 - ASEAN was born with original members indonesia, philippines, thailand, malysia and singapore
1997 - ASEAN plus three japan, china, south korea
Association of Southeast Asian Nation - ASEAN
1976 - first summit was held
Regionalization - process of dividing area into smaller segments called region
Reginonal integration - process by which 2 or more nation-states agree to co-operate and work closely together
Existing organizations in asia
EAS - east asia summit
APAC - asia pacific community
EAC - east asian community
Idea - set of instrution to produce a new good, to increase quality or to reduce costs
Global flows of ideas - apparent in the computer, smarthphone, e-readers, mp3 players and mp4
Oral Communication - language allowed humans to communicate and share informations
Script - allowed humans to communicate over a larger space and for a much longer duration
Printing Press - allowed continuous production, reproduction, and circulation of print materials
Electronic media - includes telegraph, telephone, radio, film and television
Digital media - allows the advertisment of production and online business transactions
People - this is the real media
Medium - this term is what the media comes from, which is defined as channel, means or methods
Cultural differentialism - views cultural difference as immutable
Cultural convergence - suggest that globalization engenders a growing sameness of cultures
Cultural hybridity - its the mixing and merging of cultures resulting in the creation of new cultural forms in language, food, fashion, arts
Glocalization - continuos accomodation and assimilation by local cultures of the cultures of the world due to globalization. This term is used to described a product or service that is developed and distributed globally but is also adjusted to accomodate the user and consumer
As Tuner - (2007) he explained globalization transforms the generic “religion into a ”world-system of competing and conflicting religions.
Defining religions - system of socially shared symbols, beliefs, andrituals that is directed toward a sacred, supernatural realmand addresses theultimatemeaning of
Animatism - a system of beliefs in which supernatural forces rather than beings (gods and spirits) are the dominant power in the universe
Animism - is the belief that spirit beings inhabit the same world as humans, but on another plane of existence
Christianity - largest religion in the world
Hinduism - oldest religion in the world
Islam - is monotheistic
Buddhism - was founded by Siddhartha Gautama
Confucianism - official religion of china until it was officially abolished when communist leadership discouraged religious practice gin 1949
Taoism - the purpose of life is inner peace and harmony. "Tao" is usually translated as way or path.
Judaism - - after their exodus from Egypt in 13th century, Jews or a nomadic society became monotheistic or worshiping only one god
cellphone apps
charity funds
specialinternet sites
Ecclesia - a large formally organized religious body that includes most members of society and is supported by and closely allied with secular and state powers.