This is a HARD Substance, because it contains Calcium Salts (mainly Calcium Phosphate), so it can RESIST bending and compression
Inside the body, B0ne is an Organ, made up of cells called Osteocytes (which stop the bone from being brittle)
The presence of cells and blood vessels in the B0ne means that B0nes can REPAIR themselves when they are broken
Human Skeleton: (206 Bones in the Adult Body)
A) Breastbone
B) Scapula
C) Ribs
D) Vertebrae
E) Metacarpals
F) Phalanges
G) Tibia
H) Cranium
I) Clavicle
J) Humerus
K) Pelvis
L) Ulna
M) Femur
N) Patella
O) Metatarsals
Parts of A Bone:
In the middle, the Spongy Bone has FEWER Calcium Salts, making it less HARD
The 'spaces' of the sponge are filled in with Bone Marrow. This stores Fats AND produces Blood Cells
The outside of the Bone is made of a HARDER material, called Compact Bone
A) Cartilage
B) Spongy
C) Cartilage
D) Compact
E) Marrow
F) Epiphysis
G) Cells
H) Blood
I) Vessels
J) nerves
[Cartilage] present at the ENDS of the Bone. Cartilage acts as a cushion between two BONES and a JOINT. It contains cells called Chondrocytes, which secretes a filling containing types of Protein FIBRE
[Periosteum] is a tough Membrane covering the OUTER SURFACE of the Bone
[Ossification] a process in which an Embryogrows a bone from Cartilage
(This is nearly complete by the time a Baby is born)
Vitamin D is needed for CalciumAbsorption, which is needed for Calcium Salts in the Bone Filling (Matrix)
The LACK of Vitamin D causes a bone disease called Rickets
Bone Growth
A person's Long Bones stop growing in their late teens, but Bones don't grow at their ends
The Bone gets longer because the regions of Cartilage GROW and become OSSIFIED (turned to bone)
A) grows
B) Ossified
Osteoporosis is a MEDICAL CONDITION that affects ELDERLY People
Their bones lose the Calcium Salts and become POROUS and LESS DENSE, so they break easily
This is normal in people from the age of 70, and Women are particularly vulnerable after the MENOPAUSE, due to changes in HORMONE Levels
There is no cure for Osteoporosis, but it can be helped by a Good Diet, Calcium + Vitamin D Supplements and Hormonal Treatment
[Joint] The point where two Bones meet
Bones ARTICULATE (move) at these joints. A movable Joint, like Hip or Elbow joints, need to have certain features, such as:
A way to keep the Ends of the Bones together, so they don't Dislocate (separate)
Something that Reduces FRICTION between the ends of moving Bones
A SHOCK Absorbing surface, between the two Bones
[Synovial Joints] these joints are Movable Joints, which contain a liquid called Synovial Fluid
Synovial Fluid is secreted by the Synovial MEMBRANE, which acts as a LUBRICANT, reducing friction between the ends of the bones
The joint is surrounded by a tough, FIBROUS Capsule, and is held together by [Ligaments] which run from one bone, to the other
Ligaments have elasticity to resist stretching; this is called TENSILE Strength
A) Capsule
B) fluid
C) Membrane
D) Ligament
There are THREE types of Joints found in the body: