
Cards (19)

  • Line
    A mark made by a pointed tool such as a brush, pen, or stick. A moving point.
  • Shape
    A flat enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width. Both geometric and organic shapes are used.
  • Elements of art
    • Color
    • Line
    • Shape
    • Form
    • Value
    • Texture
    • Space
  • Color
    The most dominant element. It is created by light. It has 3 properties: Hue, Value, Intensity.
  • Value
    Degrees of lightness and darkness. The difference between value is called value contrast.
  • Form
    Objects that are 3-dimensional, having length, height, and width. It takes up space and has volume.
  • Texture
    Describes the feel of an actual surface. The surface quality of an object, can be real or implied.
  • Space
    It is created to make illusions of depth. Space can be 2-D, 3-D, positive or negative.
  • Balance
    The distribution of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis. It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
  • Contrast
    The arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark, rough vs. smooth, large vs. small) to create visual interest.
  • Emphasis
    Used to make certain parts of an artwork stand out.
  • Movement
    How the eyes move through the composition; leading the attention of the viewer from one aspect to another.
  • Pattern
    The repetition of specific visual elements such as a unit of shape or form. A method used to organize surfaces in a consistent regular manner.
  • Rhythm
    Regular repetition or alteration in elements to create cohesiveness and interest.
  • Contrast
    Visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design. The feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits.
  • A beautiful design is a product of carefully plotted design elements chosen to create visual presentation of the ideas and the imagination.
  • Design is NOT about pictures placed together and arranged in a way that creates a story. It is about creating harmony among the elements and having come together in a final product.
  • The principle and elements of design both carry the same weight in executing an effective piece.
  • The elements of arts and principles of design are the fundamental pieces that make up an artwork.