10.2.6 Biotechnology- genetic modification

Cards (10)

  • Genetic modification
    Removing a gene from one organism and inserting it into another
  • Gene
    A section of DNA that codes for a specific trait
  • DNA structure
    • Sugar-phosphate backbone with bases in the middle
    • The sequence of bases is unique in a specific gene
  • Creating pest resistance
    1. Remove gene for pest resistance from bacterium
    2. Insert gene into apple DNA
  • Creating herbicide resistance
    1. Add gene for herbicide resistance to crop DNA
    2. Farmer can spray field with chemicals that kill weeds but not crops
  • Inserting vitamins into crops
    1. Add gene to rice DNA to produce beta-carotene
    2. Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A in humans
  • Bacteria used in genetic modification
    • Presence of plasmid that can be easily removed
    • Fast reproduction rate
    • Lack of ethical concerns
  • Insulin
    • Hormone produced by the pancreas that reduces blood glucose concentration
    • People with Type I diabetes need to inject insulin
  • Genetic modification to produce human insulin
    1. Use restriction enzymes to cut gene and plasmid, creating sticky ends
    2. Use ligase to seal gene into plasmid, creating recombinant plasmid
    3. Insert recombinant plasmid back into bacterium
  • One of the most common uses of genetic engineering is to make human insulin