
Cards (42)

  • The bourgeoisie own most of the mass media, which is used as an ideological tool to justify capitalist society
  • Marxist sociologists argue that the ruling class use their power to maintain control over society, including through the media.
  • Marxists see social inequality as being caused by economic factors such as ownership of property and access to resources
  • Marxists believe that the working class are oppressed by the ruling class who exploit them for profit
  • Marxists believe that the working class will eventually rise up against the ruling class and take control through revolution
  • Marxists see the state as being controlled by the ruling class, with laws made to benefit the wealthy elite rather than ordinary citizens
  • Marxists view the state as acting on behalf of the ruling class to protect their interests
  • Marxists argue that education serves to reproduce the values and beliefs of the dominant classes and perpetuate inequality
  • Marxists view religion as a form of false consciousness that distracts people from recognizing their true oppression under capitalism
  • Marxists suggest that the state acts as a 'dictatorship of the bourgeoise' to preserve the status quo
  • Marxists argue that the state uses its power to maintain social order and prevent revolution
  • Marxists view history as a series of conflicts between different classes, with the ruling class using force to maintain its position
  • Marxists argue that the state exists primarily to protect the interests of the ruling class and maintain their dominance
  • Marxists believe that religion serves to distract people from the real issues facing society and legitimize the status quo
  • Marxists view religion as a form of false consciousness, where people blindly follow religious beliefs without questioning them
  • Marxists criticize liberal feminists for focusing on individual rights and ignoring structural causes of gender inequality
  • Marxists believe that the capitalist system is inherently unstable due to its reliance on constant growth and competition between businesses
  • Marxists argue that religion is used to justify the unequal distribution of wealth and power
  • Marxists argue that the capitalist system creates inequality and exploitation, leading to conflict and instability within society
  • Marxists argue that media is used to manipulate public opinion and maintain the status quo
  • Marxists criticize sociologists such as Durkheim and Weber for ignoring social class and focusing too much on individual factors.
  • Marxists argue that culture is dominated by the bourgeoisie, reflecting their values and reinforcing their position at the top of society
  • Marxists argue that sociological theories like functionalism and interactionism fail to recognize the role of power relations in society.
  • Marxists argue that the family reinforces gender roles and maintains patriarchy
  • Marxists argue that culture reflects the ideological hegemony of the ruling class
  • Marxists see the family as an institution used by the ruling class to control women and children and ensure the reproduction of labour power.
  • Marxists criticize the idea of meritocracy, arguing that it masks the role of privilege and inherited wealth in determining success.
  • Marxists see education as an ideological tool used by the ruling class to indoctrinate students into accepting capitalist values.
  • The proletariat is the working class who own no property or means of production and are exploited by the bourgeoisie (capitalist owners).
  • Marxists see religion as an ideological tool used by the ruling class to control the masses and justify inequality.
  • Marxists argue that the media is controlled by the ruling class and used to promote capitalist values and ideas.
  • Marxists argue that the state serves the interests of the ruling class rather than representing the common good.
  • Alienation refers to the separation between people and their work under capitalism, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection from society.
  • The bourgeoisie are the capitalist owners who exploit the proletariat through their ownership of the means of production.
  • Marxists argue that education perpetuates inequality by providing opportunities only to those who can afford them.
  • Marxists view the family as a site of reproduction where children are indoctrinated into capitalist values and beliefs.
  • Marxists believe that social change comes about through revolutionary action by the working class against the oppressive system of capitalism.
  • Communism is a socialist economic system characterized by collective ownership of resources and abolition of classes.
  • Capitalism is a system where goods and services are produced for profit, with private ownership of the means of production.
  • Class conflict arises when different social classes have conflicting interests and struggle for power and resources.