
Cards (7)

  • What is the DEA and what did it plan to do?
    • Department of Economic Affairs
    • This would draw up a National Plan which would promote growth + investment.
  • What does the "white heat of technology" refer to?
    • a metaphor for scientific + technological progress that Wilson said in his speech.
  • What did the Prices and Incomes Board intend to do?
    • keep down inflation through the prices and incomes policy
  • Why did Wilson resist devaluing the pound in 1967?
    • He didn't want the Labour party to be known as the "party of devaluation"
  • Who was the DEA created under?
    George Brown
  • What was the economic growth rate between 1964-70?
    Average of 2.7%
  • What did Roy Jenkins achieve?
    In 1969, Jenkins achieved a balance of payments surplus of £387 million.