Allows you to modify the access rights of a file/directory
Sets the default file permissions
Allows you to temporarily become the superuser
Allows you to execute a command as another user
Allows you to change a file's ownership
Allows you to change a file's group ownership
Allows you to change a user's password
Common File Types
Regular file
Symbolic link
Character special file
Block special file
File Mode
Represents the permissions for a file or directory
Octal Notation for chmod
0 (---)
1 (--x)
2 (-w-)
3 (-wx)
4 (r--)
5 (r-x)
6 (rw-)
7 (rwx)
File Permission Values
777 (rwxrwxrwx)
755 (rwxr-xr-x)
700 (rwx
Directory Permission Values
777 (rwxrwxrwx)
755 (rwxr-xr-x)
700 (rwx
Symbolic Notation
u (the directory or file owner)
g (the group owner)
o (others)
a (short for all)
Common Text-Based Editors Used in Linux
emacs – can be customized and extended with different modes, enabling it to be used like IDE for programming language such as Java or C.
nano – is a text editor designed for beginners.
gedit – comes with the Gnome desktop. It only runs in the GUI environment
vi – is a native editor found in all Linux and Unix systems. Most Linux distributions do not include real vi; rather, they include an enhanced replacement called vim (short for vi improved).
Three (3) Modes of vi Editor
command - Keystrokes entered operate as command rather than characters entered into the document.
insert - Any character entered is placed at the current cursor position
replace - Any character entered replaces the character at the current cursor position.
l or Right arrow - moves One character to the right
h or Left arrow - moves One character to the left
j or Down arrow - moves One line down
k or Up arrow - moves One line up
0 - moves To the beginning of the current line
^ - moves To the first non-whitespace character on the current line
$ - moves To the end of the current line
w - moves To the beginning of the next word or punctuation character
W - moves To the beginning of the next word, ignoring punctuation characters
Ctrl+f or Page Down - moves One page down
Ctrl+b or Page Up One - moves page up
numberG - moves To line number
G - moves To the last line of the file
The A command moves the cursor to the end of the line before starting insert mode.