A change in the direction of wave such as light, caused when it enters a material of different density
The number of waves per second
The height of the wave above the zero line
The overlapping of waves to give a combined effect
The point on a wave that exhibits the maximum amount of positive or upward displacement from the rest position
The opposite of a crest, the minimum or lowest point in a cycle
Electric currents or fields and magnetic fields
They transfer energy from one place to another without the need of particles
The distance from peak to peak
Types of waves
Light waves are transverse, they go up and down
Sound waves are longitudinal, they move side to side
Light waves
Are electromagnetic and do not need a medium to travel through (no particles)
Water waves
Are mechanical, they need a medium to travel (water particles)
Sound waves
Are mechanical and need a medium to travel (air particles)
Light waves
Light travels in straight lines, it cannot bend or turn, light travels through a vacuum, the empty that light can pass through are vacuums, they are electromagnetic waves