Low back pain is a symptomnot a disease, and can result from several differentknown or unknownabnormalities or diseases
It is defined by the location of pain, typically between the lower rib margins and the buttock creases.
It is commonly accompanied by pain in one or both legs and some people with low back pain have associated neurological symptoms in the lowerlimbs
LBP affects over 80% of the population
80% chance of reoccurrence in nextyear
45% acute LBP will develop chronic LBP
85% of LBP is non-specific and not due to a specific pathology
What do we know about back pain?
Very common symptom
Occurs across allsocioeconomic status and ages
Low back pain is now the leading cause of disability worldwide
Only a small proportion of people have a pathological cause
Influenced by local culture and social systems
What do we know about back pain? - We know certain groups are more likely to complain of LBP:
Physically demandingjobs
Physical and mentalcomorbidities
Lowersocioeconomic status
What do we know about back pain? - Most people with new episodes of low back pain recover, but:
recurrence is common
For some low back pain becomes persistent and disabling
Known risk factors for persistent disabling low back pain
An Overview – the patient in a clinical setting:
Referral / handover - sometimes have been sent by GP, post op or after screening through virtual clinic or on the phone, so amount of information on patient varies
Informal assessment - how are they walking/sitting, do they have mobility aids, how did they sound on the phone
Subjective examination - when did the start, how long, where it is
Red flags - previous lectures!!
What do I need to assess?
An Overview – the objective assessment:
Neural Integrity Testing (?)
Neural / Nerve Provocation Tests (?)
Special tests
Muscle strength or length tests
Problem List:
Problem List
Management Plan
Short, Medium versus Long Term Plan
Advice and Education
Pain Relief / Pain Advice
Do I have a diagnosis?
What should I do next?
Common Pathologies:
A good by to deal with lower back pain is by trying to rule out common pathologies:
Spondylosis / OA
Disc pathologies
Referred Pain
Facet joint sprains
Ask red flag / CES questions to everypatient that comes in with spinal problems
Key skills to managing LBP:
Clearing for red flags
Assessing for commonpathologies
Managing LBP positively to reduce the likelihood of recurrence!