Adequateventilation must be ensured at all times and specificventilation/extraction is required where workplaces are likely to generate dust or fumes.
Minimumacceptabletemperatures are set for workplaces to ensure that employees operate in an environment which is suitable for work activity. In a normalindoorworkplace the suggested minimum temperature is 16C.
Adequatelighting must be provided and, where required, emergencylighting in the event of powerfailure should be present. Personalisedworkspace lighting may also be required.
The workplace should be kept clean and free from dust and dirt. Where possible, surfaces such as tables, doors etc. should be able to be kept clean. Wastematerials should be removedregularly and responsibly from the workplace.
Roomdimensions and space
Work spaces should be sufficient for each person assigned to work in a specific area and a minimumamount of space is set for this within the legislation.
A supply of qualitydrinkingwater is required to be available within the organisation at all times. If watercoolers and tap water are not available, bottled water should be provided for employees.