Seven basic quantities to quantify matter in our universe: Mass (m) in kg, Length (l) in m, Time (t) in sec, Electric Current (i) in A, Temperature (T) in K, Mole (n) in mol, Luminous Intensity in Cd
Measurement conversions
1. Collection of data is important
2. Measurement tools and practices are crucial
3. In calculations involving conversion from one unit to another, the unit factor is used
Data analysis
Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Converted to information to communicate via statisticaltools
Significant figures
Help to convey degree of accuracy of data
Scientific notation
Conveniently expresses very small or very large numbers
Determined by dividing the weight of an object by 9.8 m/s^2 (the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the earth)
The space the mass occupies
The mass per unit of volume, depends on the phase and temperature
Describes the consistency of a series of measurements, has nothing to do with accuracy
A measure of the agreement between an accepted true value and a measured result
The reservation on accuracy of measurements due to instruments used
Random error
Due to human factor, minimized by taking replicates
Systematic error
Due to instrument limitations, minimized by constant calibration, controlled experiment, use of better methods
Error calculations
1. Actual error (absolute) = True value - measured value
2. Relative or fractional error = actual error/True value
3. % error = Relative error x 100
Calculations involving uncertainty
1. When adding or subtracting, add actual errors
2. When multiplying or dividing, add percentage errors
Measurements & Measuring Instruments
Mass, Volume, Density, Specific gravity, Temperature, Pressure, Force, Concentration
Scientific Method
A commonsense approach to developing and understanding of natural phenomena
Begins with observations that raise questions
Involves searching for answers, planning experiments, making observations, organizing facts to make generalizations (laws)
Theoretical models are required to explain why matter behaved the way it did
Hypotheses are tentative explanations that undergo more tests to readjust the model
A theory is formed after a model has survived repeated testing
The Scientific Method is cyclical
The Scientific Method is used by scientists (biologists, chemists, engineers) as well as non-scientists (mechanics, financial analysts)