
Subdecks (8)

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  • Bowles and Gintis -
    Questionaires: personality traits were linked to similar ones in employees.
    • large sample (reliability and representatives)
    • established correlation
  • criticism of Althusser, Bowles and Ginits:
    • Dennis Wrong (1980) that people cannot be 'socialised into conformity' people do not have a degree of control over their lives.
  • Criticisms of Althusser, Bowles and Ginitis
    • neo-marxist argue against the idea of an ideological socialisation, and do not necessarily have false conciousness; they are kept in their place through low wages and low status jobs (the 'market discipline')
  • Criticisms of Althusser, Bowles and Ginitis
    • Capitalism existed for 150 years before an established education system in the UK, so correspondence theory cannot fully explain the reason for the reproduction of capitalism.
    • The formal curriculum does teach critical thinking. E.g. religion, ethics, sociology.
  • Criticisms of Althusser, Bowles and Ginitis
    • teachers do not necessarily carry out their allocatted ideological role. In fact, many teachers challenge the hegemony.
    • Constrained by structural imperative: demands by various groups and institutions.
  • Tripatie system: three schools
    • Grammar
    • Tech School
    • Secondary modern
  • Willis: 'learning to labour' (1977): 'Pressure from peer groups; differences across social classes'
  • Mac An Ghail: Parnell School (1994): 'Pressure from peer groups; differences across social classes'
  • Working class boys
    • 'real boys don't try hard at school'
    • More interested in dossing around
  • Middle class boys

    • Try hard to succeed secretly
    • Publicly project an image of 'effortless achievement'
    • Pretend they aren't really making any effort
    • Smug when they do well
  • Parnell school (1994)

    • Pressure from peer groups
    • Differences across social classes
  • Working class boys
    • 'real boys don't try hard at school'
    • More interested in dossing around
  • Working class boys referred to boys that wanted to do well
    • 'dickhead achievers'
    • 'queer'
    • 'gay'
  • Middle class boys

    • Try hard to succeed secretly
    • Publicly project an image of 'effortless achievement'
    • Pretend they aren't really making any effort
    • Smug when they do well