Test questions

Cards (19)

  • What happened in 1992 at the UN conference of Environment and development in Rio de Janeiro?
    Earth Summit
  • when did the Earth Summit occur and where?
    1992, Rio de Janeiro
  • what are the major contribution of the Earth Summit?

    it gave equal importance to the environment and development
  • the earth summit helped finalize the UN climate change convention and the biodiversity convention.
  • 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (‘WSSD’) held in Johannesburg was another further step for developing this concept.
  • since when has the term Sustainable Development been used in the academic circle?

  • 9 ways to attain sustainability?
    • leave everything in a pristine state or return to its pristine state
    • Develop so as to not overwhelm the carrying capasity of the system
  • Dimensions of Sustainable development?

    Environmental, social, economic.
  • pillars of sustainable development?
    Economic, social, environmental.
  • difference between survivability and sustainability?
    Survivability: ability to withstand and recover from adversity. Sustainability: ability to maintain or support something over the long term.
  • what is the first sustainable development goal?
    No Poverty
  • define the 17th sustainable development goal ?
    This goal emphasizes on the importance of nations working together in partnership to accomplish all the sustainable development goals
  • what is peace, justice and strong institutions?
    16th Sustainable Development Goal which emphasizes on the importance of reducing all forms of violence and proposes that governments and communities find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity.
  • Life on Land Sustainable development goal?
    This goal aims to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, (forests, wetlands ,drylands, mountains) sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and stop biodiversity loss.
  • Life below Water?
    strives to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
  • climate action?

    strives to combat climate change
  • responsible consumption and production?
    ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns. how? by getting businesses and consumers to reduce and recycle waste, and help countries that have typically not consume alot adopt more responsible consumption patterns
  • Chapter 1 of Laudato si?

    What is happening to our common home
  • What are the sub-topics of Chapter 1 Laudato SI?

    Pollution and Climate Change, the issue of water, loss of biodiversity, decline in quality of human life and break down in society, global inequality, weak response, variety of opinions.