brooder guard - materials that can restrict the movement of brooder chicks and is placed around the brooder stoves/lamps
brooding - process of supplying heat to the chicks after they hatch up to the time that their natural heat regulatory mechanisms become fully functional
litter - bedding material
open-sided housing - long and narrow type of houses; at least 1/2 of the front and the back of house are open
enclosed housing - house where ideal environmental requirement of the animal is provided thru mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting
Location of a Broiler Farm
the location shall conform to the land use plan of the area
the building shall be constructed in an east west orientation
the structure for marketable animals shall be located near the service road
The site shall be:
accessible to service roads, water supply, and electric lines
well drained and allows for free air circulation
located where the prevailing winds will not carry odors to the farmhouse
Classification of Broiler House
type of roof
type of floor
type of enclosure
Type of Roof
span/ridged roof
Type of Floor
slotted floor
solid floor
> litter-type floor
> concrete floor with cages
Type of Enclosure
open-sided housing
enclosed housing
Floor Space Requirements forBroilers
Structural Requirements of Roof
at least one-meter roof overhang: to ensure shade and to protect the chicken from rain
designed to carry additional dead loafs such as suspended feeders
equipped with gutters; rainwater can be drained away separately
Ceiling (optional)
at least 2.4m high
materials; chicken wire or bamboo slats
there should be provision to protect young chicks and older birds during periods of cold weather and extreme winds
entrance door: at least 900 mm wide by 2 m high: swings inward
covered with 25 mm mesh wire netting
in between pens: hung in pairs and made to swing in both direction (feed and litter carriers can be pushed through from either direction)
Slotted Floor
width of slat: 25 mm - 50 mm
space in between slat: 25 mm - 38 mm
top of slats: plastic net or fish net with 25 mm holes
if welded wire: 625 sq. mm mesh.
slats or wire floors: constructed in sections (so that they may be removed when it is necessary to clean the droopings from under them or when the house is cleaned)
Litter-Type Floor
at least 50 mm - 100 mm deep over the cemented floor
there should be solid wall (60 mm high) around the cemented floor
light in weight, medium particle size, highly absorbent, dry rapidly, soft and compressible, low and thermal conductivity, inexpensive
designed to carry concentrated loads such as the maximum total weight of the birds
Housing Sizes
width of the pen: about 10 mm -12 mm
length of the house: depend on the terrain of the land on the length of the automatic feeding equipment
Brooding Area
surrounded with cardboard, metal sheeting or any hard board: minimum height of 450 mm (to protect the chicken from draught/cool air moving in a closed space)
Artificial Light
during first 48 hours: total of 23 hours of light at 35 watts/sq. m of illumination
after first 48 hours: light intensity reduced
Aisles and Walkways
at least 1m wide
Equipment and Facilities
Feeder LengthRequirement
Waterer LengthRequirement
artificial lighting with an intensity of 200 lux shall always be available for use during the night or darkened periods of the day
Natural Ventilation
outlets: ridge or chimney opening on the downwind side of the building
inlets: through vent doors, curtains, or other large openings along the long sides of the building
automatic controls: provided to maintain indoor temperature and air exchange when necessary
Mechanical Ventilation
fans: installed on the side opposite to the prevailing winds