those who are vulnerable in society may not understand the changes in legislation or that they need to act if they do not wish for their organs to be removed
presumed consent moral issues- act of giving
moving from an informed to presumed consent system removes completely the act of giving, instead you're just not objecting to it being taken from you
a result of this is the opportunity for kindness and compassion towards others is removed
presumed consent moral issues - organ supply
one of the reasons we have changed the law is to increase the supply of organs, however this hasnt always proven to be true, donations dont always increase
presumed consent moral issues- rights
in a presumed system your right to privacy, opting out will result in you having to declare your wish to others which removes your privacy as you have to make the NHS aware of your decision and why
a result of this is that you could be seen as selfish for not donating and denying those who need it an organ
presumed consent moral issues - autonomy
a presumed systems means that body autonomy is more limited as you have to make people aware of your decision if you decide not to be a donor
church of scotland
"it would be immoral not to do everything ethical to prolong and improve the quality of lives of those in need of a transplant"
the church of scotland are of the opinion there would need to be clear evidence that changing the system would result in more organs for transplantation
roman catholics view on informed consent
they prefer opt on because its youre choice and is a sacrificial gift of love and compassion towards others
roman catholics
the donor must give their free and informed consent prior to their death, or their next of kin must do so at the time of their death
roman catholic view on presumed consent
completely against opt out unless the donor has has a conversation with their family explaining and confirming their wishes before their death
roman catholics
the donor must make an informed decision recognising the risks involved