when someone knows they want do donate and they register to have their organs removed when they die
the opt out system
if you die in the circumstances that you can donate, youll be considered a donor once you die
opt out advantages
there are more organs available
this means that the waiting list is lowered and more people are able to receive an organ, and gives those still on the waiting list hope of getting one
the opt out excluded groups are
children under the age of 16
those without the learning capacity to make decisions for themselves
those who have lived in scotland for less than 12 months before their death
opt out disadvantages
just because you didnt say no doesnt mean you said yet
a result of this could be that, someone could have had their organs removed after death who didnt want to, simply because they didnt know of the opt out system
opt out disadvantages
an intrusion of body atonomy
opt out disadvantages
it takes away the act of giving as people are no longer making a conscious decision to go out of their way to donate
opt in advantages
its completely your choice, therefore doesnt take away any body atonomy
opt in advantages
respects your wishes and doesnt rely on family members having to make a decision for you
opt in advantages
it promotes the act of giving as you make the decision to donate your organs after your death, you're not just told you
opt in disadvantages
the waiting list becomes longer as theres a shortage of organs because 77% of people dont opt in
opt in disadvantages
your family can easily implicate and have a say on your wishes